Gov Corruption


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White House condemns 'Death to America' chants in Michigan, Rep. Rashida Tlaib and Gov. Gretchen Whitmer mum

Rep. Rashida Tlaib and Gov. Gretchen Whitmer remained silent after protesters in Dearborn, Michigan, who shouted "Death to America" and "Death to Israel" during an International Al-Quds Day rally were condemned by the White House and local leaders.

The hour-long rally was held in front of the Henry Ford Centennial Library on Friday and was led by local activist Takek Bazzi.

In the video, posted by the Middle East Media Research Institute, Bazzi denounced Israel and America.

"Death to America, Death to America," the protesters chanted.

"Death to Israel, Death to Israel," they echoed.


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Failing Theaters Would Receive $5 Billion Taxpayer-Funded Bailout under Democrat Plan

Non-profit theater companies across the country would receive a $5 billion taxpayer-funded bailout under a new plan being promoted by a group of Democrats in the Senate. The proposed bailout comes as prominent stages are facing unprecedented financial crises following their embrace of woke identity politics, which has alienated audiences and donors.

Among the companies poised to receive the new federal dollars would be New York’s Public Theater, which staged the gruesome stabbing death of President Donald Trump in its infamous 2017 production of Shakespeare’s Julius Caesar.

Sen. Peter Welch (D-VT) is leading the way with the legislation, which is called the Supporting Theater and the Arts to Galvanize the Economy (STAGE) Act of 2024.



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Catherine Herridge Lights Up CBS, Explains What Happened With Firing and Files Seized

Herridge spoke about how being held in contempt because she wouldn't give up her sources was putting her in legal and financial jeopardy, and that she's facing "crippling fines of up to $800 a day." But she seemed more concerned about the slippery slope happening than herself. Given the nature of our country and our press freedoms, this should not be happening, she said. She said she hoped she was the last journalist who would have to go through what she's had to go through for the past two years, fighting to protect her sources.

Herridge said this can have a "crippling effect on investigative journalism."

"if confidential sources are not proceed, I fear investigative journalism is dead," Herridge declared.


PREMO Member

Of Course Leftists Who Love Socialism And Censorship Embrace Brazil’s Budding Autocracy

When the corrupt, far-leftist Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva — who Milei once fittingly described as an “angry communist” — won back the presidency in Brazil last year, the media gave us headlines like, “Lula beats far-right President Bolsonaro to win Brazil election,” and “Brazil’s Lula sworn in, vows accountability and rebuilding,” and “Lula wins Brazil presidential election in historic comeback,” and “‘Olê, olá, Lula!’ Brazil’s voters sing for a heroic comeback to banish Bolsonaro,” etc.

Recall, as well, that the media and Democrats were obsessed with the alleged fascistic inclinations of Brazil’s right-populist Jair Bolsonaro — no George Washington, to be sure. Bolsonaro was conveniently lumped in with Donald Trump, Vlad Putin, and Viktor Orbán as a harbinger of the growing fascist threat. Alex Burns, in an embarrassing puff piece in Politico, praised Lula as a symbol of “endurance of democracy in an era of extremism.”

Bolsonaro was no more authoritarian than Lula — or Nicolas Maduro or Gustavo Petro or Luis Arce, or a bunch of other names you’re never going to see pundits wringing their hands over. But those names do help Democrats here at home.

Indeed, Lula, a friend of China and Russia, likens the liberal democracy of Israel to a Nazi state while praising theocratic fascists in Iran. Most of America’s self-styled progressives likely concur with his assessment. Lula’s Working Party champions state control and the nationalization of the economy as a means of saving the environment from nefarious capitalists. Or, in other words, the Brazilian is implementing the Green New Deal. What’s not to like, right?


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Catherine Herridge Lights Up CBS, Explains What Happened With Firing and Files Seized

Herridge spoke about how being held in contempt because she wouldn't give up her sources was putting her in legal and financial jeopardy, and that she's facing "crippling fines of up to $800 a day." But she seemed more concerned about the slippery slope happening than herself. Given the nature of our country and our press freedoms, this should not be happening, she said. She said she hoped she was the last journalist who would have to go through what she's had to go through for the past two years, fighting to protect her sources.

Herridge said this can have a "crippling effect on investigative journalism."

"if confidential sources are not proceed, I fear investigative journalism is dead," Herridge declared.

Now there's a journalist.


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This Biden bunch has run wild with using the laws illegitimately to compel people to plead guilty or shut them up.
Even attorneys who take cases for Conservatives cannot protect themselves.

I never knew that it was legal not to grant bail and to keep certain prisoners in prison for years without trial.

Democrats seem to fear that if Trump is elected he will go after them---------------like they have gone after him, I only wish he would.


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Sen. Bill Hagerty: Democrats Counting Illegals in Census ‘All About Power’

“Many people have asked themselves, ‘What’s the motive behind the crime that’s occurring at our southern border?'” he said, noting that “some 10 million people” have come into the country since Biden has taken office.

“Why are they doing this carnage, fentanyl coming in? You’ve seen all the crime in the cities. We can’t handle this. Why would they do this? And the motive is clear when you realize that every single Democrat — every single senator — voted to block the legislation I put forward that would prohibit the counting of illegal migrants, illegal aliens, in the apportionment of congressional seats and electoral votes,” he said, concluding that it is “all about power.”

“That’s the motive behind all of this. It’s all about power. And if you think about where we’ve got big states that are losing population rapidly, big blue states like New York, Illinois, California, where have they situated the sanctuary cities, Matt? Los Angeles, San Francisco, Chicago, Manhattan. That’s where the sanctuary cities are located,” Hagerty continued, noting that some Democrat lawmakers have admitted this.

“I think with respect to counting illegal aliens in the census proportioning congressional districts, most Americans just don’t believe that. That could be true. But it is, and that’s what’s been happening and that is exactly the motive behind all of this that’s happening in our border right now — the carnage, the chaos, the willingness to see our children dying from fentanyl deaths is because of this quest for power and their desire not to lose congressional seats to red states,” he said, adding greater perspective to this issue.


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Josh Hawley Blasts Energy Secretary Granholm For Creating ‘Institutionalized Corruption’ At DOE

“Turns out that was false,” he continued. “You did own multiple individual stocks and you neglected to report it to this committee for months afterwards. Why did you mislead this committee?”

“Oh, my goodness,” Granholm responded, claiming: “I believed that I had sold all individual stocks. And I was incorrect.”

After several moments of intense back-and-forth, Hawley pushed back on her claim that she immediately notified the committee when she learned that she owned individual stock.

“Wait, wait, wait, wait, no, that’s not true, either,” Hawley said. “Let’s just look at the timeline. Let’s not–, I just remind you, you’re under oath. Madam Secretary, you testified you didn’t own any individual stocks. You didn’t sell the stocks for a whole other month. And after you sold the stocks, you waited another month before you informed this committee. Why did you mislead us? And what were you hiding? Why did you wait so long? Why did you hide this?”

Granholm insisted that she did not “hide” her false claim but later added that she didn’t know what five of the six individual stocks that she was forced to sell were.


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Democrats Move to Strip Trump of Secret Service Protection

Democrats want Trump dead.

House Democrats on Friday moved to strip President Trump of his Secret Service protection if he is convicted.

Democrat Rep. Bennie Thompson introduced a resolution that would terminate Trump’s Secret Service protection. The legislation dubbed the “Denying Infinite Security and Government Resources Allocated toward Convicted and Extremely Dishonorable (DISGRACED) Former Protectees Act would apply to all Secret Service protectees convicted and sentenced under felony charges.

“The DISGRACED Former Protectees Act would terminate Secret Service protection for individuals who otherwise qualify for it upon sentencing following conviction for a Federal or State felony,” the announcement said.

“It is regrettable that it has come to this, but this previously unthought-of scenario could become our reality. Therefore, it is necessary for us to be prepared and update the law so the American people can be assured that protective status does not translate into special treatment —and that those who are sentenced to prison will indeed serve the time required of them,” Democrat Rep. Bennie Thompson said according to the Washington Times.

“Obvious subtext here is that removing USSS would make it easier for someone to kill Trump, which is arguably the goal of Thompson’s bill, H.R. 8081,” Byron York said.

This brings up a good question, would the Secret Service really allow Trump to be jailed


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‘She Ought to Resign’: Hawley Targets Biden Cabinet Official Amid Stock Scandal

During the April 17 edition of Fox News’s Hannity, Hawley told host Sean Hannity, that Granholm lied to Congress and cannot be trusted to regulate American energy. “She did lie to Congress, what she said Sean, is that she sold all of her shares, that she didn't own any stock in companies she regulates — not true,” Hawley told Hannity, after being asked about Granholm’s stock scandal.

“She later then… came back and said, ‘Oops, oops, I made a mistake I owned a bunch of stock, in a bunch of companies including Ford,’ who the Energy Department obviously regulates and oversees,” Hawley stated.

Expanding on his remarks, Hawley added: “And she now expects us to buy that. Listen, it is a fact, Sean, an independent watchdog has found that she violated the law nine separate times and yet here she is still running the Energy Department, still trading stocks.”

Hawley went on to call for her resignation, exclaiming, “I don't believe a word she says, she ought to resign. It is a disgrace that she is sitting there making money on the stock market off companies that she regulates when she’s supposed to be making energy safe and cheap for the American people.”


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Biden Admin To Spend Over $2 Million To Diversify Marine Biology, Climate Science

The Daily Wire recently reported that the Biden administration’s NSF pledged to allocate nearly $500,000 to a study on “Latina resistance” at “predominantly white institutions” as well as over $600,000 to back a study on “intra minority solidarity.”

The NSF is far from the only agency within the Biden administration that has embraced far-left ideologies on race and gender. Millions of taxpayer dollars have been allocated to highly ideological DEI efforts as the Biden administration has worked to embed leftwing ideology throughout the government through executive orders.

Daily Wire investigations found that the Department of Defense, for example, spent as much as $270 million on DEI efforts over the course of three years while the State Department spent at least $77 million taxpayer dollars on DEI initiatives in 2022 and 2023. The Daily Wire also obtained a DEI glossary from the NSA that included terms like “white fragility,” “queer theory,” and “settler colonialism.”

The National Science Foundation does not appear to be the only agency preoccupied with diversity in marine biology. The Daily Wire recently revealed that the Department of the Interior, tasked with the management and conservation of federal land, screened a documentary on queer representation in marine biology in honor of transgender day of visibility.

Former President Donald Trump has pledged that he will gut the federal bureaucracy through executive orders of his own which aim to remove civil service protections from bureaucrats who occupy a position that impacts policymaking. “We will pass critical reforms making every executive branch employee fireable by the President of the United States,” Trump said at a rally, touting the plan. “The deep state must be brought to heel.”

Biden hopes to preempt this move and recently implemented a policy intended to strengthen the civil service protections enjoyed by federal bureaucrats. Trump and his allies are still preparing to gut the bureaucracy, however, with the Heritage Foundation’s Project 2025 assembling a personnel database to take the place of outgoing bureaucrats.


PREMO Member
🚀🚀 Wednesday featured a massive, history-making story that only fully emerges once you marry together two apparently separate headlines. First, the AP ran a story captioned, “The US is now allowed to seize Russian state assets. How would that work?

I am starting to wonder whether the Ukraine aid dustup this week was actually a well-planned distraction. A less publicized part of Tuesday’s Ukraine aid bill package included authority to the President of the United States to steal, I mean to seize and transfer, all Russian assets located anywhere in the world the United States can reach them.

Here’s how the AP described the bill, which was titled the “Asset Seizure for Ukraine Reconstruction Act":

The new U.S. law requires the president and Treasury Department to start locating Russian assets in the U.S. within 90 days and to report back to Congress within 180 days. A month after that period, the president will be allowed to “seize, confiscate, transfer, or vest” any Russian state sovereign assets, including any interest, within U.S. jurisdictions.

The United States has never before confiscated the sovereign assets of another nation in the absence of a formally declared war. The asset seizure targeting Russian assets is unprecedented, historic, and utterly new. The risk of wildly unpredictable unanticipated results seems extremely, if not unacceptably, high.

So there should have been a lot of public debate before we took this new, historic first step. Corporate media, of course, was utterly useless. The AP’s story failed to note the historic, unprecedented nature of the new law. Congress was worse.

This seems to be a Biden brain child by the invisible, unaccountable neocons pulling Biden’s puppet strings. Who are all immune from prosecution, I might add.

The problem with this theivery seems obvious. Historical wisdom literature going back thousands of years of human civilization advises against taking other people’s stuff, even if you don’t like them. Thou shalt not steal, Exodus 20, and so forth.

Now, note that a second under-reported part of the so-called “Ukraine aid” package was a new law allowing Biden to steal TikTok from the Chinese. Twitter sold last year for $45 billion dollars, at a time when it was unprofitable and unpopular.

How much is TikTok worth?

But the story is even bigger than that. The badly-named TikTok bill actually gives the President authority to ban or force the sale of any foreign-owned technologies, apps, or software — not just China’s, and not just TikTok — whenever the assets pose a risk to national security.

And guess who decides whether the foreign asset poses a risk to national security? Biden, himself, and nobody else. Biden, who can’t even read a teleprompter correctly. Do you think he understands high-tech chipmaking.

The U.S. has never ever given the President such broad, unilateral authority to ban or force the sale of foreign-owned companies and assets in peacetime, outside of war and a declared national emergency.

So — follow me here — while we were all focused on the $61 billion Ukraine aid package, Congress just gave Biden the right to steal all kinds of stuff from other countries, if the U.S. can get its grubby hands on them.

These two bills, and the historic new powers vested in the President, are a much bigger story than Ukraine aid, with which we were all distracted by the drama around Speaker Johnson and the freedom caucus. Now, anytime he wants, Biden can threaten any country into doing his bidding, at the risk of seizure of its technology assets.

Good luck finding any discussion of these issues in the media.

Now let’s look at that second headline. On Tuesday — the same day Biden signed the Ukraine package into law, which included the Russian asset seizure powers — CNBC ran this understated story: “JPMorgan Chase is caught in U.S-Russia sanctions war after overseas court orders $440 million seized from bank.

In short, JPMorgan complied with US sanctions requirements and froze some overseas Russia assets. Those Russian assets are now at risk under Biden’s extraordinary new peacetime powers. Last week, a Russian company sued JPMorgan after JPMorgan smartly announced it intended to immediately pull its assets out of Russia.

I presume the Biden Administration had warned the bank.

But it was too late. On Tuesday, a Russian court ordered all JPMorgan’s Russian assets, “moveable and immovable,” to be seized.

Tit for tat.

I know I keep saying it, but we’ve never seen anything like this in modern history. Assuming we don’t blow ourselves to smithereens, or Jesus doesn’t come back first, historians will someday be writing multi-volume sets about 2024.

In another sense, none of this is surprising. In my research for this piece, one thing became clear. Only dictatorships and communists have ever nationalized assets in the way the US just authorized. Think Banana Republic.

But this move is exactly what you’d expect from a country that just blanketed a presidential candidate with civil and criminal cases. It is a Banana Republic.

In a healthy democracy (or even a healthy Democratic Republic), with a functioning media and an active, involved Congress properly overseeing the government, our public officials would be forced to fulsomely explain the rationale for such risky, unprecedented legislation. But … our officials were not forced to do that.

So … what type of government do we actually have?



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Secret Recording Shows Dem Governor Slamming Border Patrol for Seizing Drugs

LUJAN GRISHAM: I'm going to put extra borders going and beyond, for the love of God, put him at the border in Sunland Park where I don't have a single border patrol agent, not one, and people pour over, and so I'm cranky with the secretary. He knew that was coming, he did not say a word to me. Politico wants to write an article. Every single major press group is asking repeatedly, basically accusing me of being feckless, and uh, Huffington Post, I mean, they're all going to write about it.
They're saying that they are worried about fentanyl so they're taking all of our cannibis, and they tried to, and they're detaining people. We've never done that. We just use discretion, and look the other way. But the press also knows that the bad Border Patrol is taking a hard stance, and the only way is either we have to adjust it or I have to send you a letter saying, "You're persecuting the states, you are not using your discretion, you are not working with me on immigration," and I don't want to send that letter, but I'm boxed in hard.

Her words are just incredible. With all the problems in New Mexico and at the Southern Border, her concern is about the supposed bad press she may receive from drug shipments being seized. In her comments, she expressed outrage that the "bad Border Patrol" are doing their jobs and taking cannabis shipments when they stop vehicles.

For full context, she appears to be talking about in-state-grown marijuana, which Democrats have deemed "legal" in the state. Federal law still prohibits it, though. It is not the Border Patrol's place to "look the other way" and break the law to help out a left-wing governor's drug trade.


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Rep Matt Gaetz Calls For Investigation Into BOMBSHELL O’Keefe Video Showing (Now Fired) Alleged CIA Contractor Saying Intel Agencies Coordinated to HIDE Information From Trump While He Was a Sitting President!

According to O’Keefe, Amjad Fseisim, a program manager working in Cyber Operations for the CIA and an NSAGov contractor with top-secret clearance working for Deloitte was caught in an undercover video implicating the highest levels of the intelligence agencies, including “The executive staff. We’re talking about the director and his subordinates,” former CIA Directors “Gina Haspel….And I believe Mike Pompeo did the same thing too,” “kept information from him [Trump] because we knew he’d ****ing disclose it.” Amjad reasons “There are certain people that would…give him a high-level overview but never give him any details. You know why? Because he’ll leak those details…He’s a Russian asset. He’s owned by the ****ing Russians.”

“So the agencies kind of, like, all got together and said, we’re not gonna tell Trump…Director of the CIA would keep [information from Trump]…”

Amjad reveals to OMG’s Undercover American Swiper that intel agencies not only kept intelligence information from a sitting United States President and Commander-In-Chief, they also used FISA to spy on realDonaldTrump and his team and are still monitoring President Trump according to Amjad who says, “We monitor everything.” Amjad adds, “We also have people that monitor his ex-wife. He likes to use burner phones” – information only an insider with access to highly sensitive information would state.

“We steal it [information]” and “We hack other countries just like that,” Amjad, who states he currently works on the CIA’s China Mission Center, explains how intel agencies obtain information. He also describes a broken intelligence system where “We don’t share information across agencies” because the CIA is “very reluctant” to share information with the “careless” NSA.

Watch the portion of the video that references the conversation above:



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More Pro-Life Activists Sentenced to Years Behind Bars, Including Veteran, Two Women in Their 70s

President Joe Biden’s Department of Justice (DOJ) brought conspiracy against rights and Freedom of Access to Clinic Entrances (FACE) Act charges against nine pro-life activists for the protest, which carried a maximum prison sentence of 11 years and $350,000 in fines. The activists were found guilty in two separate trials in August and September of 2023 and have been in jail ever since, awaiting sentencing.

The FACE Act “prohibits threats of force, obstruction and property damage intended to interfere with reproductive health care services,” while conspiracy against rights — a charge that carries a maximum 10-year prison sentence — “makes it unlawful for two or more persons to agree to injure, threaten, or intimidate a person in the United States in the free exercise or enjoyment of any right or privilege secured by the Constitution or laws of the United States or because of his or her having exercised such a right,” according to the Department of Justice (DOJ).