

New Member
kwillia said:
Dang it... that's what the heck happened to my pea plants...they were fine and growing and then WHAMO...:tantrum:
and the sad thing was, we had peas on steriords this year, they were three feet tall before they started flowering. It was great! But now.....Nothing..


Poker Shark
You can borrow my Weimeraner! He has killed 2 so far...hard to identify that they were groundhogs afterwards but he had fun. Luckily he wasn't bit by the things :yay:

Lost Soul

New Member
Bud said:
Serious? I would think a .22 could do the job. :shrug:

Depends upon the distance you are shooting at. I have killed a lot of them with a .22 However I now use a .22 magnum it increases the range a little.


New Member
My little cousin snuck up on one, literally crawled on his belly through knee high grass, and got one with a BB-gun. I won't give you the details, but I did see it, and it was funny as hell, sort of. That little kid was never happier! :lol:

I used to use a .22. Got a bunch of them that way. I use a .270 to keep in practice for deer season. The .44 is fun, cleanup is messy, somewhat unnecessary if you get them before a good rain. And the .50 cal flint lock, well...I've carried it a few times, shot a few times at the little bastards with it, but I don't know if I hit anything or not. By the time the smoke clears, I'm not even sure what general area I was aiming for. :lol:


curiouser and curiouser
I saw a groundhog last year standing on the side of the road, looking both ways before he crossed. That was very considerate, so I give the species props. :yay::yay:


New Member
There's a lady that comes to my parents farm once a year and blasts about two dozen, I have no clue what she does with them, but I can get her number.
Also, if you go to just about any bar with country on the juke box, you are likely to meet at least two guys willing to go down and trap or shoot them for you.

Some say thays good eatin'..??