Haunted Stories


Salt Life
When my parents retired, they moved to The Woodlands, TX. Rumor had it that their house was built on a Native American burial ground. My mom said there were many times she would hit resistance out of thin air when she was vacuuming. She concluded that they didn't like the noise. She loved them, and never got scared. When they would toast, they always toasted 'the old Indian'. I will never forget that considering we have Native American blood in our veins.
"You only moved the headstones!!!"


Lawful neutral
Are you waiting for an invite?

This will end just like when everybody convinced me to ask out Melissa Fontaine in the 7th grade.

When I finally got up the courage I marched right up to her lunch table, asked her, and she busted out into a laughing “NO”

I realized I’d been dupped. :mad:


When things are "tense" in my house, male-to-male angest, things seems to pick up. I was getting out of bed when I heard my name called, right into my ear. It was clear! Once, my bedroom door knob vibrated, not like someone was rattling it, but vibrating! Not the dog. Very weird. Around the same time, I heard a very loud "bang" right over the header on my bathroom door going into my bedroom. Another thing happened right around the same time, my iPhone was thrown out of my night stand, right to the end of the power cord. I had ear plugs in but I heard the noise and noticed the phone. If it would have dropped out of the drawer, why would it be all the way at the end of the charge cord? Once things settled down in the house (between my son and me) all activity stopped.
There is a story that the previous owner had been supplying illegal drugs and alcohol to under aged girls. There is a record of a felon arrest at the property but the LaPlata sheriff would not give me anymore information. I also found out the my oldest son had "conjoured" at some
point. Could be something there that stays dormant.


Active Member
Decades ago, My mother and I and our dog lived in a brick house. The dog was big and unfriendly to strangers. Anyway we had two bowls for the dog. A stainless steel bowl and a plastic bowl.
For some reason we always put the water in the stainless bowl and the dogfood in the green plastic bowl. dry dog food that always left crumbs, so we wouldnt' put water in the plastic bowl
so it wouldn't be crumby water. Anyway one morning there was water in the plastic bowl. We each thought the other had done it until i mentioned it and both were perplexed about it. *shrug* I know not scary but still.
oh and in that house (in pg county) I had been in the process of trying to find a place to hide a key, so i felt up along the inside door trim of a closet to see if it would be thick enough and i found a spoon that
looked like it was used to smoke drugs. maybe a previous renter died in there? dunno.


Decades ago, My mother and I and our dog lived in a brick house. The dog was big and unfriendly to strangers. Anyway we had two bowls for the dog. A stainless steel bowl and a plastic bowl.
For some reason we always put the water in the stainless bowl and the dogfood in the green plastic bowl. dry dog food that always left crumbs, so we wouldnt' put water in the plastic bowl
so it wouldn't be crumby water. Anyway one morning there was water in the plastic bowl. We each thought the other had done it until i mentioned it and both were perplexed about it. *shrug* I know not scary but still.
oh and in that house (in pg county) I had been in the process of trying to find a place to hide a key, so i felt up along the inside door trim of a closet to see if it would be thick enough and i found a spoon that
looked like it was used to smoke drugs. maybe a previous renter died in there? dunno.

"spoons"are usually used to inject dope, not snort. Could the previous tenent have died from an overdose? Could be. Would that leave residual "spirt"? Maybe. All depends on the state of mind I think. You still live there? Don't give it too much thought. They tend to feed into it. Ignore it as much as u can.