Hey you...I'm talking to YOU....Yes, YOU!!!


Active Member
Looks similar to the vehicle that I almost hit broadside a couple days ago. I had just turned off of 235 coming in the road between target and Lowes. The truck was leaving Lowes, stopped at the stop sign looked and then proceeded to pull straight across the road. I slammed on brakes and came to a complete stop facing his driver door. We had to sit there a bit because he was blocked by traffic exiting at the light. The whole time he was throwing his hands in the air and flipping the bird.

I have been endangered by a dark green ford truck on base a few times as well - I wonder if these are all the same wreckless jackash...


practice defensive driving.I have 15yrs with no accidents or issues. I drive a lot and believe you need to anticipate the next bone heads moves or actions. Expect someone will pull out in front of you and plan out your actions before hand in your head.
I'm even more defensive when im on my motorcycle as you pretty much expect to get punked by other cars.
I believe a great deal of accidents are avoidable, but lots are not. blind spots, drunks, obstructions and so on lead to bang ups. It takes skill and finesse to be a good driver. Bone heads like this guy are all over and just do this cause they hate life probably.

When your expecting someone to act careless it helps you avoid a lot of possible snafus in my eyes.