

Football season!
I have discussed the notion that sonny bush did not learn a single thing from father bush. He did,however, take notes about other people in history...



Football season!
Originally posted by BunkerBuster
Are you calling Bush jr. a Nazi? Them's fightin words buddy!

Not at all. Just find it interesting that many people here have the same views as a nazi. Makes you wonder.

Ken King

A little rusty but not crusty
PREMO Member
Originally posted by BunkerBuster
Are you calling Bush jr. a Nazi? Them's fightin words buddy!
Yeah, he is, but then he will say you misunderstood him or someone changed his post. You'll get used to it after awhile.


Football season!
Originally posted by Ken King
Yeah, he is, but then he will say you misunderstood him or someone changed his post. You'll get used to it after awhile.

I think the words speaks for themselves. Feel free to comb through the posts on here and you will find almost word-for-word ideas that match his. Scary stuff really. Don't feel bad, if my ideas go hand-in-hand with a nazi, I would be defensive as well.


Originally posted by SmallTown
I think the words speaks for themselves. Feel free to comb through the posts on here and you will find almost word-for-word ideas that match his. Scary stuff really. Don't feel bad, if my ideas go hand-in-hand with a nazi, I would be defensive as well.

Yea SmallTown.....we all know that the Nazi's didn't believe in gun control either. :rolleyes:

Ken King

A little rusty but not crusty
PREMO Member
Originally posted by SmallTown
I think the words speaks for themselves. Feel free to comb through the posts on here and you will find almost word-for-word ideas that match his. Scary stuff really. Don't feel bad, if my ideas go hand-in-hand with a nazi, I would be defensive as well.
You are the one defending yourself so I guess we know who the Nazi is, huh.


Football season!
Originally posted by justhangn
Yea SmallTown.....we all know that the Nazi's didn't believe in gun control either. :rolleyes:

The problem is, we aren't discussing gun control.
I see you people are pretty much speachless by the fact your views about how to support a war goes along with the nazis.

But hey. I could have just made all of this up just to get you going. Maybe we should check snopes to verify that I am BSing you.


Football season!
Originally posted by Ken King
You are the one defending yourself so I guess we know who the Nazi is, huh.

defending myself? I'm not the one who pretty much quote nazis to defend my position. But hey, if it works for you guys...


Originally posted by SmallTown
The problem is, we aren't discussing gun control.

I'm just saying that the Demi's have the same likeness.

jazz lady

~*~ Rara Avis ~*~
PREMO Member
Originally posted by SmallTown
The problem is, we aren't discussing gun control.
No, YOU were comparing our president to a Nazi, and when you got called on it, you did your standard MO - ran and said "that's not what I meant" and then your normal diversionary tactic by comparing us ("the clique") to Nazis to divert attention away from your original post. Did I forget anything? :biggrin:
I see you people are pretty much speachless by the fact your views about how to support a war goes along with the nazis.
:loser: And it's SPEECHLESS. Invest in a spell-checker - it will be well worth the money.
But hey. I could have just made all of this up just to get you going. Maybe we should check snopes to verify that I am BSing you.
I already KNOW that anything spewed by you is :bs: and you continually try to stir things up. What - nobody will play with you in your Northern Virginia? Those people are smarter than I thought. :yay:


You must be a glutton for punishment ST. Geez! Nazis? That's pretty raw not to mention completely wrong. :frown:


Football season!
Originally posted by jazz lady
No, YOU were comparing our president to a Nazi, and when you got called on it, you did your standard MO - ran and said "that's not what I meant" and then your normal diversionary tactic by comparing us ("the clique") to Nazis to divert attention away from your original post. Did I forget anything? :biggrin:

Only forgot the part where the views on this board go along with a nazi. It is easy to tell when people get upset and have no defense, they start name calling and trying to change the subject.

The subject at hand, if you forgot already, is the quote from a nazi concerning gaining support for a war. I know it is a little hard to swallow, seeing your views so closely matched to a nazi... But feel free to TRY and justify that.
All the way from Bush saying he is protecting us from an attack and saying "With us, or with the terrorists" all the way down to you people saying you are not patriotic if you don't support the war. So, I'm not calling anyone a nazi. But if you feel your views put you in that category, perhaps looking at another view would be helpful?


Football season!
Originally posted by Kain99
You must be a glutton for punishment ST. Geez! Nazis? That's pretty raw not to mention completely wrong. :frown:

If it is raw and completely wrong, perhaps the people who use the nazi way to defend their position should be frownded upon.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
I hate to bust in on the party but...so what? If Goering said it, does that automatically mean it's wrong? Marx (or Lenin, I forget) said "Religion is the opiate of the masses". Very true - just ask the Pope.

Not sure where you're going with this, ST. :confused:


Originally posted by SmallTown
If it is raw and completely wrong, perhaps the people who use the nazi way to defend their position should be frownded upon.

I wasn't taking a swing - I just think you've taken a statement made a point of linking it to the Nazis and compared it to our president. Personally, I think you would have been much more accurate had you compared Saddam Hussein to the Nazi's. Much stronger parallel. JMHO.

jazz lady

~*~ Rara Avis ~*~
PREMO Member
Originally posted by SmallTown
Only forgot the part where the views on this board go along with a nazi. It is easy to tell when people get upset and have no defense, they start name calling and trying to change the subject.

Since YOUR views are on this board, you have lumped yourself in with us. Or did you mean just SOME of the people here? You are right - it is easy to see people get upset. They run away and change the subject, like you have done. :smile: Speaking of changing the subject, why do you NEVER answer it when somebody calls you on your post: "Oh, I didn't mean THAT...THIS is what I meant." :duh:

The subject at hand, if you forgot already, is the quote from a nazi concerning gaining support for a war. I know it is a little hard to swallow, seeing your views so closely matched to a nazi... But feel free to TRY and justify that.

No, YOU forget that the subject at hand is YOU comparing the President of the USA to the supposed dialog of a nazi. And while we're at it, I could probably do a little research and show you how YOUR views closely match those of a nazi. You can find anything to uphold your point of view if you look hard enough.

All the way from Bush saying he is protecting us from an attack and saying "With us, or with the terrorists" all the way down to you people saying you are not patriotic if you don't support the war. So, I'm not calling anyone a nazi.
:roflmao: No truer words have been spoken. No, you wouldn't have the guts to do that. Hit and run. Swerve and duck. Clinton sure made an impression on you.
But if you feel your views put you in that category, perhaps looking at another view would be helpful?

My views don't put me in any sort of nazi category, thanks for asking. :cheesy:
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Beloved Misanthrope
PREMO Member
Christ! This one too....

Geezus, SmallTown! You having a two-tampon day or something?

Every bloody thread I check out has you whining, wailing or whizzing on yourself. :rolleyes:

Take a valium.