Hot flashes


New Member
I've been having meltdowns for 20+ years when I sleep. Lately, these have been in the extreme. Does anyone know how to minimize these? Can go holistic. Open to all suggestions. I don't like swimming in my sleep!


professional daydreamer
I've been having meltdowns for 20+ years when I sleep. Lately, these have been in the extreme. Does anyone know how to minimize these? Can go holistic. Open to all suggestions. I don't like swimming in my sleep!

Keep your bedroom door closed, close the vent, open the window, turn the ceiling fan on.


Throwing the deuces
I lucked out and got Premature Ovarian Failure. All the good stuff of menopause (no Aunt Flo) and none of the bad (no hot flashes). :yahoo:


I bowl overhand
I've been having meltdowns for 20+ years when I sleep. Lately, these have been in the extreme. Does anyone know how to minimize these? Can go holistic. Open to all suggestions. I don't like swimming in my sleep!

When was your last TB test?


Taking a Soy Supplement worked wonders for me. It comes in over the counter, I liked the Healthy Woman brand.


Try "Estroven". Its an OTC herbal supplement that helps menopausal symptoms.


New Member
I use EstrAval through Melaleuca. No more hotflashes moodyness or any of the other symptoms.:dye: