I told you not to butt heads with Dyson!


Jane Margaret "Maggie" O'Brien, president of St. Mary's College of Maryland, announced her resignation on Jan. 7 I guess the waterfront view of the college will get unblocked.:killingme


Devil's Advocate
Thank god! As an alumni of that school, one who was there to see how ridiculous she really was, I am ecstatic to see her go. Down with overpaid idiots. Hope they find a decent human being to replace her.


Great Mills Rd
Maggie Gets the Boot !!


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Chainsaw Slayer

New Member
Somone probably threatend her with a dragon punch after she messed up the Govoners Cup. So she resigned to avoid the fury of the dragon.

I just hope her replacement isn't as clueless as she was.


I have no idea what the governor's cup is, or what messed it up. Can anyone give some details?

All I know is that I would LOVE to see that god damned eyesore of a building blocking the water, torn right the #### down to the ground, right now.


Well-Known Member
I have no idea what the governor's cup is, or what messed it up. Can anyone give some details?

All I know is that I would LOVE to see that god damned eyesore of a building blocking the water, torn right the #### down to the ground, right now.

Gov cup is a sailing race that happens the first weekend of August. Starts in Annapolis Friday night, boats race overnight, finish is at the college Saturday morning - which is when & where the real party begins. It's basically just a very enjoyable, laid-back boozefest. Open to the public, lots of food & beer vendors, but with the amount of sailors bringing drinks on their own boat nobody gets hassled for BYOB.

It has always been held at the waterfront - the site where that massive, overblown ego-fest of a building is now. Thanks, Maggie. :yay:


New Member
I love the building.

The disabled sailors that come to St. Mary's College every year to compete in the Special Olympics will definitely love the building.

I always wondered if the stink related to the building was related to keeping handicapped kids out of the area.


New Member
Gov cup is a sailing race that happens the first weekend of August. Starts in Annapolis Friday night, boats race overnight, finish is at the college Saturday morning - which is when & where the real party begins. It's basically just a very enjoyable, laid-back boozefest. Open to the public, lots of food & beer vendors, but with the amount of sailors bringing drinks on their own boat nobody gets hassled for BYOB.

It has always been held at the waterfront - the site where that massive, overblown ego-fest of a building is now. Thanks, Maggie. :yay:

It used to be a much better party. Kinda sucks now.


Well-Known Member
I always wondered if the stink related to the building was related to keeping handicapped kids out of the area.

I highly doubt that. As far as I know, Special Olympics events have been held there for at least 10 years now, all without the bigger building. How would preventing (or downsizing) the building prevent handicapped events? And who would want to do such a thing? :confused:

All the same, that is a group that I hope gets a lot of use out of it. It's not going anywhere now, so may as well do some positive stuff with it.


Well-Known Member
I love the building.

I always wondered if the stink related to the building was related to keeping handicapped kids out of the area.

somehow I doubt that most of the people doing all the b*@%ing about it have ever stoppped to consider anything other than their precious 30 second view of the water while they're supposed to be driving


somehow I doubt that most of the people doing all the b*@%ing about it have ever stoppped to consider anything other than their precious 30 second view of the water while they're supposed to be driving

That's all I considered. :shrug:
Why do I need to consider something else? It used to be pleasant there - now it's not.

Theres 9 and a half billion empty acres around that area. They couldn't find somewhere else to put that ####ing eye-sore?


Well-Known Member
That's all I considered. :shrug:
Why do I need to consider something else? It used to be pleasant there - now it's not.

Because there are a lot more issues at hand than just the view.

Theres 9 and a half billion empty acres around that area. They couldn't find somewhere else to put that ####ing eye-sore?

Well, you have to admit it would be pretty silly to put a boat house far away from the water, huh? It's not the location that I have a problem with, or even the fact that they built a new boathouse (the old one was just one more tropical storm away from collapsing anyway). It's the gargantuan size of the thing that I have a problem with. It's completely overblown, and just like you, I miss the view as well.

It really only exists in its present form to look impressive in advertising photos, not because it needs to be that big.


Because there are a lot more issues at hand than just the view.


None that concern me.

And it's not like I was out there protesting the ####ing thing, or actively trying to have it torn down - I just complain that I don't like looking at it... because I don't like looking at it.