Illness going around southern maryland


Well-Known Member
luke warm bath, sometimes ice packs under the arm pits, on the head, groin area to bring down the temp.
Have you ever placed ice/ice packs on pulse points, like the wrist(s) below the palm of your hand; or ice wrapped in a towel around your neck? I vaguely remember trying the ice on the wrists bit once. Worked surprisingly well.


Well-Known Member
105 is not accurate. You would have died. The body cannot handle a temp that high.

Wasn't expecting to see a few comment on 105 temp. Dr. made the nurse check it again and yes again 105. She gave me two tylenol and did not let me leave until she was sure it was going down. After about 1/2 hour it went down to 103, after drinking water also. I was not facing death :killingme , but yea she was concerned for sure. I just did not take enough tylenol at home, I think I just took 1 and my temp kept floating around 102/103 at the house, that flu was very aggressive. Prescribed me some tylenol of course too.