Injured pet pigeon on Tippett Road


A large exotic looking pigeon with a leg band showed up in our yard. It appears to have an injured wing. Anyone lose a pigeon or know who might offer aid?


Tried to catch the bird, but it took off when I got a few inches from it. It flew to the top of my tractor and then to the roof. I am not worried since it can fly. Thanks for all the info.


Happy Creepy Ass Cracka
Tried to catch the bird, but it took off when I got a few inches from it. It flew to the top of my tractor and then to the roof. I am not worried since it can fly. Thanks for all the info.

Probably just a Charlie Horse in the one wing.


New Member
If you can't find its owner, Dr. Forrest is an avian vet at St. Mary's Animal Hospital and they often rescue and take care of injured animals of all kinds.