Is it always like that?


Active Member
Admittedly, I don't get up to the north end of the county much. Went to the Lex. Park Bank of America ATM yesterday to make some deposits and it was down for maintenance. Since that branch is now closed, I had to drive up to Mechanicsville Bank of America. IS THE TRAFFIC ALWAYS LIKE THAT UP THERE? It was like an international raceway with cars jockeying for position, weaving in and out of lanes with no signals--CRAZY! After I was finished banking, making a left back on to the highway to come back down south took FOREVER!


Active Member
Yes, the farther north you go, the worse it gets. You should try going all the way to DC. The lines on the roads mean nothing, just a suggestion. Red lights and stop signs mean nothing. It's effing crazy.


Power with Control
I'm from Boston, and a pretty assertive driver. But that crap is insane. I used to make monthly trips to just north of Philly, and ended up going via Route 1 just after Baltimore because 95 got to be like Deathrace 2000.