Is there any point now...?


God bless the USA
It doesn't have to. After going through a few bouts of colitis and also having GERD (which caused Barrett's Esophagus), I got educated on the root cause of these things and changed the way I eat and deal with stress. Those are the two biggest factors in causing most of our ailments. I eat clean, work out, and I am in better shape now than I was in my 20s and 30s. Having these things happen to me was a big motivator.

Bikermama... I don't know where you are now in this, but do what many said... get to the ER and have a complete heart exam. Even though I still get chest pains from time to time, when it gets bad - even when I probably know it's the reflux - I still get to the ER and get it checked. I took Prilosec for a while, but it was causing some side effects. I was on Nexium for a long time and it worked great. Now I'm on Protonix. It's working well. The one thing you have to hope doesn't happen is getting Barrett's Esophagus. That's pre-cancerous damage to the Barrett's Ring in the bottom of the esophagus just before the stomach. So, if you find out this is reflux, I would demand an upper endoscopy. What they might also find, if you have reflux, is a hiatal hernia. A very common thing that causes reflux.

:yay: Good for you! :huggy:

What you said makes sense. When I made cheerleader in HS, I worried so much about it over the summer that I got acute colitis. Once I was an active cheerleader, I didn't ever have it again. Which doesn't make sense, or, maybe, it does. :shrug: I have been much more stressed since that time in my life. I have learned to meditate and I recommend the book, The Power of Now by Eckhart Tolle. My son, actually, gave it to me after he read it. I exercise, but my eating habits are awful.

Nooooo! Don't make me give up pepperoni! Lol

How are your symptoms? Are you feeling better? Did you go to a doc?
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New Member
:yay: Good for you! :huggy:

What you said makes sense. When I made cheerleader in HS, I worried so much about it over the summer that I got acute colitis. Once I was an active cheerleader, I didn't ever have it again. Which doesn't make sense, or, maybe, it does. :shrug: I have been much more stressed since that time in my life. I have learned to meditate and I recommend the book, The Power of Now by Eckhart Tolle. My son, actually, gave it to me after he read it. I exercise, but my eating habits are awful.

How are your symptoms? Are you feeling better? Did you go to a doc?

Not to the ER but making an appointment with my doctor and good news is no return of symptoms!