John Murtha has died


Dancing Up A Storm
You know, I could even be genuinely sorry if ol' Maobama bought it.

Nancy Pelosi, no.

Harry Reid, no.

There's a few Republicans I wouldn't be sorry about, either.

Not to get off track here, but you know, in a way, this kind of happens to a lot of people, that spend too many years in congress - the House, the Senate. It seems they get drawn into corruption; the behind the back games they get used to playing with each other.

How many times have we seen it?


Well-Known Member
I read this report, of Murtha's passing earlier today, like the rest of you. I started thinking about saying a prayer for his soul; but then, it occured to me - I don't really know - which way his soul, his spirit, is heading.

Above, or below? I thought I'd better leave it alone. He'll end up somewhere, I know; I'm just not sure where. From what I saw of his actions, well, he didn't leave me with positive thoughts, on his behalf. Just saying.

It wasn't Murtha's fault...liberalism is an insidious disease. Like syphilis, it took over and rotted his brain.

So sad.


This Space for Rent
While I disagreed with a lot of his policies (okay, most), he was a veteran and I am sorry for his family's loss.


Methodically disorganized
I am surprised no one else has arrived at what I think is an obvious conclusion: Obama's presidency is cursed.

A failing agenda, a variety of scandals, plummeting popularity, middle America turning against him, major elections lost, and now a second member of his gang is dead. All in just a little more than one year in office. The rest of the Dems had better watch out... The Won still has 3 years to go. :eyebrow: :popcorn:


Doris Day meets Lady Gaga
really refreshing to hear things like this :rolleyes:

:shrug: OH Please. That's just a political fact of life.

And the Dems should just get over themselves. Anytime there's been a scandal or death of a congressperson/senator with an "R" beside their name - there has been a flurry of political vultures salivating on the other side of the aisle waiting to take the seat.

The seat is empty and it needs to be filled. It's natural for those of each political party to hope it is filled with a member of their party.


I head some wag on WMAL this AM ( Congresscritter ) commenting about how Murtha's death was malpractice ...

Rep. Steve Cohen, D, already chasing Murtha's ambulance

By: David Freddoso
Online Opinion Editor
02/08/10 6:26 PM EST
In a television interview this afternoon, Democratic Tennessee Rep. Steve Cohen pronounced judgment on the doctors who were operating on Rep. Jack Murtha, D-Pa., when he died. Cohen, a government attorney before he began his political career, was asked about tort reform in health care when he brought up Murtha's death:

"As we speak today, Rep. John Murtha died. And he was my friend, and he served this country for many years...He died because, when he went in for gall bladder surgery, his intestine was perforated. And that shouldn't have happened. It was, from what I understand, malpractice."

Cohen might even be right, but it would be a coincidence: he all but admits his lack of full information, and not every surgical complication is the result of medical negligence.


Now if Bawny Fwank would only choke on a dick and asphyxsiate to death I would consider there to be poetic justice in this world. That molester needs to be in the ground for allowing that boy child prostitution ring to be run out of his appartment (even though he claims he had no idea it was going on)!