Kerry film to air


Football addict
2ndAmendment said:
It is a "documentary" in name only. That is the problem. You accept this crap as fact. It is not.

Where did I state this movie was fact? I merely stated it was a documentary in which you could not admit yourself, until now that is.

Main Entry: 1doc·u·men·ta·ry
Pronunciation: "dä-ky&-'men-t&-rE, -'men-trE
Function: adjective
1 : being or consisting of documents : contained or certified in writing <DOCUMENTARY evidence>
2 : of, relating to, or employing documentation in literature or art; broadly : FACTUAL, OBJECTIVE
- doc·u·men·tar·i·ly /-m&n-'ter-&-lE, -"men-/ adverb

The key words here are FACTUAL, OBJECTIVE which this piece of fiction certainly was not.
Yes, I believe I already know what 'documentary' means or did you miss the definition I submitted? It is a documentary to the point where it shows actual news footage and interviews. I do not think it is a documentary in the fact that it spews Moore's idealology. In the face of news footage and interviews it is factual and objective.

You do NOT want to mess with me little boy; you will not win
I'm always up for a challenge. I know when to admit I am wrong, do you? I suppose not after this mild threat.


Just a forgiven sinner
PREMO Member
BuddyLee said:
I'm always up for a challenge. I know when to admit I am wrong, do you? I suppose not after this mild threat.
I have and will continue to admit that I am wrong when I am. I have always practiced that policy. Remember, I playfully rubbed your hair at the Pier when you were with Janey; I have seen and talked with you IRL. I really don't think your experience level is anywhere near the level to admonish me about much of anything.


Football addict
2ndAmendment said:
I have and will continue to admit that I am wrong when I am. I have always practiced that policy. Remember, I playfully rubbed your hair at the Pier when you were with Janey; I have seen and talked with you IRL. I really don't think your experience level is anywhere near the level to admonish me about much of anything.
I don't think my experience or intelligence level is anywhere near that of which to lecture you on whatever subjects it may be. I have learned much but still have much to learn. That doesn't erase the fact that you may be amiss on certain things just as I or anyone else, it's human fault or error, naturally.


Just a forgiven sinner
PREMO Member
BuddyLee said:
I don't think my experience or intelligence level is anywhere near that of which to lecture you on whatever subjects it may be. I have learned much but still have much to learn. That doesn't erase the fact that you may be amiss on certain things just as I or anyone else, it's human fault or error, naturally.
I am not questioning your native intelligence. I have no knowledge of that except my observance of how quickly or not your learn on this board which is very limited by its very nature. I think you, like many young people, are an idealist. I hope as you grow in experience and, hopefully wisdom, you will become more pragmatic realizing what the ideal may be but also realizing what really works. Liberals in the true sense tend to be idealists. Conservatives tend to be pragmatic.

I think that most people would agree that war is bad. Idealists want to avoid war at all costs. Pragmatists know that war is bad but know that it is necessary at times. An idealist will tend to want to talk about it and be "touchy feelly" it the hope that any solution can be had except war. They will only attack after being attacked and then only in a measured response. A pragmatist does not want war but would rather fight war somewhere other than his backyard and would like to get it over and done with with overwhelming force.

Bush employed a mix between the two scenarios. It would have been easy for the U.S. to completely level Iraq (the war would be over if we had). Our forces did not. We could have carried the war completely on our own; we did not. We have approached the war, on President Bush's direction, as liberators (most Iraqis are happy to have Saddam gone), not occupiers (a delicate balance in number of troops is required - more, as Kerry wants, and we will certainly look like occupiers).

Anyway, at your age, it is OK to be an idealist. At some point I hope you realize that idealism, as much as it would be nice, does not work because of the very nature of human beings. For idealism to work, humans will have to be ideal, and as you have pointed out, we all have failings.