Liberals hope conservatives got shot


Well-Known Member
The douchery is staggering. Here's but one example:

Liberals hope Boehner got shot | The Daily Caller

Liberals took to Twitter on Thursday to proclaim that they hope Republicans like Ohio Rep. John Boehner and Texas Sen. Ted Cruz were wounded in today’s Capitol Hill shooting episode, and blamed the scene on the tea party.

“I hope they shot John Boehner the Republican house speaker aka the bitch who shut down the government,” tweeted one user, according to a now-deleted tweet.

When the news first broke about the so called shooting at Capital Hill, with little to no facts, "Typical News Bull$h!t" all the comments under the news articles were, i hope they got them all meaning our reps, and senators. Some names were mentioned on both sides.

Goes to show the sentiment of a lot of some of the American public with the useless Senate and House.

When the news first came out about contractors and Govt. employees being shot at the WNY shooting all the responses read Thoughts and Prayers to the family, hope everyone is ok . Says something about some of the public opinion of our so called elected officials/leaders of our country.