Man gets 848 1/2 years in Prison


Happy Camper
Save everyone time and money and just stake him out in the desert like the Indians used to. Preferrably on an army ant (or something similar) hill. End of problem.


Well-Known Member
That would be funny. I really hope they send him to Tent City.... 848 years outside in the desert seems fair to me

Agree the only thing that bothers me is well thay have been a pretty good guy in prison, and it's expensive to keep him here. so why don't we parole him and turn him loose on the general public again now that he is reformed.???? Amazing how many criminals discover religion in prison/ some probaly do / and some are scamming The parole system in this country is so out of balance it is unbelievable... For instance one of Charlie Mansons girlfriends who was convicted in the Sharon Tate murders, who is dying of advanced cancer was not allowed to be released from prison to die with her family / this is not a plug for Manson or her/ strong believer in the D.P. ( p.s. not a bleeding heart liberal " but not too personally afraid of her. But every day rapists, hard core drug dealers, and people convicted of murders, and child molesters are being released every day in to the general public without our knowledge.