

New Member
I am wanting to plant a small garden this year because my kids want to plant one and the benefits are nice too. I was wondering if anyone knew where I could get some manure that may have already composted, I hear fresh manure will burn your plants. If anyone could help me out, I would appreciate it. Thank you for your time and help.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
Don't use horsey; too hot. Moo poo is the preferred method. Doesn't need to be composted either. Just mix in well with existing soil.



We have some 2+ year aged, wonderful composted organic manure available for pick up. We can load most nights and weekends. email


New Member
Saw this listed:

Free horse manure, you haul, will help load. Call or text 301-861-8502.

In Mechanicsville


New Member
We may be getting a horse in the near future, so I can hook you up. Let me know if you are interested. No charge either, you would just have to come pick it up.