Modern Political Philosophy Quiz

Larry Gude

Strung Out
I have never read George Will's book so I am not sure what the exact chord that struck you is

The argument that what we do, our laws, are reflections of our values and not simple mechanisms of ordering society. That our laws should be crafted with care for what we are saying those values are, the 'why'.
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Larry Gude

Strung Out

Machiavelli's principle ends were social cohesion, stability, and national indepedence. Like you one of his means was the use of well ordered constitution but he had less of a emphasize about keeping tyranny at bay. Rather than stating what leaders can and cannot do, Machiavelli believed the best way a Constitution could produce social cohesion, stability, and ultimately prosperity is that the Constitution should reflect how power was actually distributed in society. If the Constitution reflected how power was actually distributed in society the Constitution would be very hard to overthrow.

Again, my knowledge is not thorough on him, at all, so, I should be asking questions here. I read you to mean what you say, Mach was less concerned about tyranny but, that is exactly what our constitution is supposed to be about. Our constitution isn't supposed to be about how things are, how power is actually distributed, but, how it SHOULD be based on limiting government and protecting the individual from one another and, especially, from their government.

In an earlier post you seemed to be saying a well ordered constitution was central to him, and ends, but, in this post, suggesting it was little further down the list than some other things, so, it is fair, in your view, to say that Mach thought a well ordered constitution central, an ends, or, merely a tool, a means to reach other ends?