MVA closes Route 5 in Calaway area


Power with Control
Damn, your thought didn't come true. Such a shame the dude only gets 5 years for killing two people. I would be sickened if I was family/friends with the deceased. That sucks...

Keep in mind, 5 years is the sentance, that does not mean he stays in jail for five years. Wanna bet he's out before three served?


Damn, your thought didn't come true. Such a shame the dude only gets 5 years for killing two people. I would be sickened if I was family/friends with the deceased. That sucks...

The courtroom was not a pretty place today.


Well-Known Member
I wonder if any member of the media sat thru his sentencing today. I can't seem to find the "story" anywhere. :bubble:

I sat thru the entire 2 hour sentencing, We updated it at 3:50. The time was changed from 9:30 to 1:30. When I got out of court I had 16 missed calls 12 text messages and 5 emails about Maria Morgan.

We are going to be updating our story, and adding some court documents online.


no longer CalvertNewbie
Damn, your thought didn't come true. Such a shame the dude only gets 5 years for killing two people. I would be sickened if I was family/friends with the deceased. That sucks...

Absolutely disgusting that he'll be out after only a couple of years. UFB!


Podunk FL
That is completely disgusting that he only got 5 years. IF he really does have that much of an issue keeping his diabetes in control than he shouldn't be driving.


Obama destroyed America
Maureen Lamasney should be removed from the bench. What friggin guidelines did she follow?? 2 people are dead and this creep will be walking around in about 3 years???


Jam out with ur clam out
Maureen Lamasney should be removed from the bench. What friggin guidelines did she follow?? 2 people are dead and this creep will be walking around in about 3 years???


hell.... so i know if i get pissed and pop a cap in someone.. I wont do much time....



Well-Known Member

hell.... so i know if i get pissed and pop a cap in someone.. I wont do much time....


(n) the act of causing the death of another person; categorized as involuntary or voluntary. Involuntary manslaughter indicates that the death occurred during the course of a crime or as a result of negligence, whereas voluntary manslaughter involves a suicide pact, incitement, or diminished responsibility."
Jonas: Mosby's Dictionary of Complementary and Alternative Medicine. (c) 2005, Elsevier.

What you may be talking about is "Aggravated Assault With A Deadly Weapon." "Getting pissed" and intentionally shooting someone falls under this definition. Now, if the person you shoot happens to die, that is "Murder 1."

THE WEEKLY VICE: Holly Solomon - Jailed After Running Husband Down With SUV Because He Failed To Vote
Now, THIS is 'assault with a deadly weapon.' If the guy had died from being struck, it is very possibly 'pre-meditated murder,' based on Solomon's "reason" for running the guy down.
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Well-Known Member


Taken so literally....

:shrug: ...we all know we have a catch and release program.... :rolleyes:

.....chit....just look at all the thug losers that have walked....

I do everyday, they live right beside me in Section 8.


oh oh oh. I forgot to tell you. They bought a new BMW. I like seeing my tax dollars hard at work!


Visualize whirled peas
PREMO Member
(n) the act of causing the death of another person; categorized as involuntary or voluntary. Involuntary manslaughter indicates that the death occurred during the course of a crime or as a result of negligence, whereas voluntary manslaughter involves a suicide pact, incitement, or diminished responsibility."
Jonas: Mosby's Dictionary of Complementary and Alternative Medicine. (c) 2005, Elsevier.

What you may be talking about is "Aggravated Assault With A Deadly Weapon." "Getting pissed" and intentionally shooting someone falls under this definition. Now, if the person you shoot happens to die, that is "Murder 1."

THE WEEKLY VICE: Holly Solomon - Jailed After Running Husband Down With SUV Because He Failed To Vote
Now, THIS is 'assault with a deadly weapon.' If the guy had died from being struck, it is very possibly 'pre-meditated murder,' based on Solomon's "reason" for running the guy down.
What if it happens during a diabetic blood sugar crash, he tried to commit suicide and missed.