My choice to be Single


off the shelf
I just want to enjoy my life and my career where it is right now. My dad and step mom are telling me, 'we need grandchildren'...... it's too much pressure. Life is hard enough with just figuring out how I'm going to make it from month to month let alone have a family to think about. I have to give it to folks that do have families tho - I don't know how they do it now-a-days.......but I still don't want your toddler looking over my booth. :)

I'll rent you mine for a while(15 and 10)....that will shut them up for a long time about grandkids....they fight about every freaking thing from who is breathing more air than the other to what TV show they were watching when the moon was in a total eclipse :jameo:

Oh....they won't stare at you over the booth....they were taught a long time ago not to do that....when should I expect you to get them?


I just want to enjoy my life and my career where it is right now. My dad and step mom are telling me, 'we need grandchildren'...... it's too much pressure. Life is hard enough with just figuring out how I'm going to make it from month to month let alone have a family to think about. I have to give it to folks that do have families tho - I don't know how they do it now-a-days.......but I still don't want your toddler looking over my booth. :)

You sound like the female version of me. My mom wants grandchildren and she's not accepting my dog as one. :doh:


I really have no problem being single..:shrug:...but it is nice to have someone to do things with, talk with, and have fun.......:yay:


I love her wild,wild hair
When I turned 18, I had no intentions at all of 'settling" down. I played softball hard, partied hard and was having the best time of my life. It wasn't until I was about 33 that things just happened and the next thing I knew, I was married and had three kids. The married thing kinda sucked but the kids, they are with you for life and I can't imagine my life without them now. Well actually I can, in one and a half more years my youngest will graduate from high school and the farmhouse will be empty and my life will begin a new chapter. All I can say is, it was a good thing kids didn't happen when I was younger because I definitely had some living to do first, and have some living to do again before grand kids start showing up. One of the biggest things I learned was that drinking and kids don't mix. I don't drink much anymore but give me a reason and I'll be there ready to have some fun. Don't sweat it, if it happens, it happens. Just make the most of what is going on in your life at the time. Everything will fall into place.
I didn't get married until I was 30. It was good, it was fun, but divorce was inevitable. I've been happily single for 9 years now, with no plans on changing that.

Do what makes YOU happy, don't do something because you're "supposed to".


thankgod my mom isn't rushing me to get married and have grandkids. She said she loves having my animals as her grandkids that is enough. She loves my dog bruno and she also likes my cat pebbles and am soon to get another kitten and mom will love that kitten just as much. Stepdad told me this am he said the animals are lucky to have me as a mom and he is right. Stepdad has 2 grandbabies they are 1 and 3 one is about to turn 2 next week I think.


Well-Known Member
I married for the first time at age 35. My husband's mother says "oh, you have to have kids". My mom said "DON'T DO IT!" I never wanted children so I didn't. And I'm glad. I might not be glad as I get older and don't have any kids to help out....but you can't count on that anyhow. My brother is almost 60 and my 80 year old mother still has to support him. I have my 3 dogs, and a good hubby and I'm pretty happy.

It drives me nuts when trying to have a peaceful, relaxing meal out and people next to you have little kids running around or being loud and disruptive.


You can keep your change
what's the big deal. I'm wanting to stay single and date around. I have never taken the time to do this in my 12 years of adulthood. My friends are all running around trying to marry the first guy that shows them attention. It's so silly. They go from one mood "o, he's Mr. wonderful" and then the next day,"o, I can't figure him out, I don't know what he wants"'s making me sick already. and...I'm so tired of women that have children and expect people who don't have children to want to put up with the things they do in public... example: looking over a booth at you while you're eating. I just want to sit and enjoy my lunch without your toddler making faces at me. Some days it's cute: for about 30 seconds, but it's annoying. And the crying in places where it should just be adults; take them in the nursery or waiting area. anyway... I'm venting..... and for people who think they should fix me up with people they know... STOP it... you're killing me.

I know what you mean! I was at Damons with some friends and this guy thought I was a lesbian just because I am 29, not married and no kids! Um...I am just single and by choice. Oh god, friends are ALWAYS trying to hook me up with guys. Better Single Than Sorry is a really good book, I think a lot of women out there need to read it. I like the question that you always get, "Why are you still single?" Well, I choose to be single!:1bdz: