My Inauguration Experience


Doris Day meets Lady Gaga
PREMO Member
I did try to get more pics, but between my low battery and having to "move the line" to keep things from jamming up, I only got a few. Our purpose once the Inauguration was over was just to get to the Metro in case there was a yuuuge wait. There was, outside and inside, but it wasn't terrible and it moved fairly well.

And, frankly, we truly did NOT want to run into angry protestors. I had no desire to engage with or provoke any of them. We did not feel the need to make news or be the news just to have the last word with the fringe lunatics there exercising their right to a "Peaceful Protest".

Good thing, too, because BFF's husband called when we were on the Metro and was glad to hear we were out if the city. It was HE who told us about the violence and explosions. We were like :jameo: