Need heartening


New Member

So, ya'll have made my argument for me. America is made up of a bunch of "not funny" Bu--sh---ers. Or are you not a representative sample? So much for looking for intelligent comment from somd forum. Course I figure most of you are imports. Let me hear from the born & bred.


Doris Day meets Lady Gaga
So, ya'll have made my argument for me. America is made up of a bunch of "not funny" Bu--sh---ers. Or are you not a representative sample? So much for looking for intelligent comment from somd forum. Course I figure most of you are imports. Let me hear from the born & bred.

:moon: Go have another drink!


Having Fun!
So, ya'll have made my argument for me. America is made up of a bunch of "not funny" Bu--sh---ers. Or are you not a representative sample? So much for looking for intelligent comment from somd forum. Course I figure most of you are imports. Let me hear from the born & bred.

Is a family tree that has folks fighting in the American Revolution (1770's) and a signer of the Declaration of Independence "born & bred" enough for you?

What's stopping you from finding out about them?

If you can't find encouragement in yourself, you aren't going to find it in anyone else, nor should you depend on anyone else for it.


Honey if you can't find it in yourself, you're in a wod of hurt! Did your parents depend on others for their hope and desire to learn about the politicians of their times? Sitting around moping and posting on somd isn't going to get you a whole lot. If you want to know about the representatives and senators, get out there and educate yourself! Obviously, you know about the internet or you wouldn't have found your way here. Once you get some background knowledge about the players, start doing internet searches to find out what's being talked about and what the issues are, but be careful! There is a whole lot of propaganda out there (always has been, nothing new) and you need to know how to navigate around it. Perhaps you should start researching "propaganda" and "information literacy" before you look into making up your mind about some issues. Once you've done that, STEP AWAY FROM THE COMPUTER and get out into the world -- find a few groups and listen to what they have to say.

I'm assuming, since you've spoken of losing your parents, that you are an adult. Pull up those big girl panties and get out there and find out stuff! Nobody's going to give you hope on a silver platter, no matter WHO says that they will! You are responsible for your own thoughts and actions. Girl up and be an American and stop whining and get out there and DO SOMETHING!
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Methodically disorganized
Did your parents depend on others for their hope and desire to learn about the politicians of their times?
Looks like her parents' independence skipped a generation. I wonder what they would say to their daughter begging for someone to guide her as she is doing.

Nobody's going to give you hope on a silver platter, no matter WHO says that they will!
And anyone who does should be first on your list to AVOID, because they almost certainly will be the biggest con-artists and cheats you will ever see.


New Member
My long held belief is that the internet, computer communication system will have a crash and burn, which results in chaos because everything has become so dependent on this communication system. The global ####. It will throw life as we know it into disorder ( I wish I knew the word the molecular disorder word that would be the equivalent.)

I will be a survive, and am actually I am trying to build a base survivor unit. (people with guns, ammo, first aid experience etc)
I don't care, tell me I am crazy. I have had this thought/premonition for years.

Hey there soft crab how is that base building coming along? Do you have your compound finished yet? :whistle:


wandering aimlessly
You're best hope is to begin to self educate. The names of every current politician, their backgrounds and their agendas are more available today than ever (thanks to the internet). Are we (the US) headed for a fall? We're a young country. Its happened to others. Get educated, get involved, make a difference. It all begins with you.


Methodically disorganized
I will be a survive, and am actually I am trying to build a base survivor unit. (people with guns, ammo, first aid experience etc)

I don't care, tell me I am crazy. I have had this thought/premonition for years.
Hey there soft crab how is that base building coming along? Do you have your compound finished yet?
You are responsible for your own thoughts and actions. Girl up and be an American and stop whining and get out there and DO SOMETHING!
You know what? Upon further consideration, perhaps it's best that she is sitting on the Net complaining. Some people are better off being led around by the hand, not thinking for themselves. Her parents must have been smart people and did what they did to protect her.

Softcrab, PLEASE do not leave your home! Do not operate machinery; do not engage other people; do not attempt to communicate with your extraterrestrial friends! Someone will be along to direct you to your next location... you can trust them. :yay:


And also, try to stay optimistic as hard as is sometimes, think positive, and know it could always be worse...Keep your chin up and remember what Billy said......

You can get just so much from a good thing
You can linger too long in your dreams
Say goodbye to the "Oldies But Goodies"
Cause the good ole days weren't always good
And tomorrow ain't as bad as it seems