Need some opinions


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Thursday we want to go see fireworks at the park in Henderson.

Apollo hates fireworks.

We can either:

A) take him with us and hold him so he'll be somewhat calmed;
B) leave him home

The problem with leaving him home is that there might be poppers going off within earshot of the RV park, and he'll be alone and stressed by them. It will probably be sporadic enough that he can go hide under the bed and be fine. But what if it's not and he spends several hours being scared and alone?

What would you all do?


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
The fireworks at the park will be about an hour of extended boomers and extremely stressful for him, whereas anything he'd experience at home would be random poppers.

jazz lady

~*~ Rara Avis ~*~
PREMO Member
Used to have a lab/shepherd mix that was insanely scared of loud noises like fireworks, gunshots, and especially thunderstorms. She would shake and pant so hard I thought she would have a heart attack.

Went to the vet and got some "doggie downers" which did the trick, although found out half a tablet was enough as she was close to comatose for many hours well after the threat was gone. :lol:


Beloved Misanthrope
PREMO Member
You might try finding and using Adaptil. It seemed to help one of the malamutes I had.

It's some sort of calming aroma or phermone I think.


Raisin cane
I would opt to leave him at home instead of taking him with you. If you have him with you, he'll be stressed and you guys won't enjoy yourselves. If you can confine him in the RV and put a 'thundershirt' on him, maybe see if you can find some over the counter calming aid (like at Petsmart), then he will probably be ok until you get back.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Leave him home.
Even when you hold him, he’s still traumatized
I would opt to leave him at home instead of taking him with you. If you have him with you, he'll be stressed and you guys won't enjoy yourselves. If you can confine him in the RV and put a 'thundershirt' on him, maybe see if you can find some over the counter calming aid (like at Petsmart), then he will probably be ok until you get back.

This is the way I'm leaning, just because any firework noise won't be nearly as intense and he can hide under the bed, which he likes because it's his own private fort.


Raisin cane
This is the way I'm leaning, just because any firework noise won't be nearly as intense and he can hide under the bed, which he likes because it's his own private fort.
I will be sitting home with my 2. Too tired to go anywhere from all the OT I've been pulling. So, me and the dogs, huddling on the couch.....well, one will be behind the couch cowering....but we'll be 'together'.
Y'all have fun!


God bless the USA
Thursday we want to go see fireworks at the park in Henderson.

Apollo hates fireworks.

We can either:

A) take him with us and hold him so he'll be somewhat calmed;
B) leave him home

The problem with leaving him home is that there might be poppers going off within earshot of the RV park, and he'll be alone and stressed by them. It will probably be sporadic enough that he can go hide under the bed and be fine. But what if it's not and he spends several hours being scared and alone?

What would you all do?
Used to have a lab/shepherd mix that was insanely scared of loud noises like fireworks, gunshots, and especially thunderstorms. She would shake and pant so hard I thought she would have a heart attack.

Went to the vet and got some "doggie downers" which did the trick, although found out half a tablet was enough as she was close to comatose for many hours well after the threat was gone. :lol:

Our rescue shepherd/akita mix, Cookie. who was so loving, and sweet, was very afraid of loud noises. She used to run and jump into our Jacuzzi bathtub, or in the shower if the door was open. Our neighbors learned to call to warn us before their target practice, so we could take her out to poop before they started. I know how you feel, vrai. You love Apollo so much. I think Chris’s idea of trying to mask the noise is your best option. You might come home to some clean up, but your poopie will be just fine. Just don’t pick Tchaikovsky’s 1812 Overture. Happy Fourth, patriot. :patriot:

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If I may ...
If I may ...

Thursday we want to go see fireworks at the park in Henderson.

Apollo hates fireworks.

We can either:

A) take him with us and hold him so he'll be somewhat calmed;
B) leave him home

The problem with leaving him home is that there might be poppers going off within earshot of the RV park, and he'll be alone and stressed by them. It will probably be sporadic enough that he can go hide under the bed and be fine. But what if it's not and he spends several hours being scared and alone?

What would you all do?
Give him some Xanax. It'll knock out that anxiety plus put him right to sleep as well.

Auntie Biache'

Well-Known Member
I'd pass on the fireworks. There will always be fireworks, and you can see them next time, when you have time to make plans for Apollo.

Homer J

Power Chord
Try these.



Well-Known Member
I would leave him home, leave on a radio or tv and make sure he has access to a place where he feels "safe". Our dog, all 80lbs of her, is scared to death of thunderstorms, firecrackers, any loud noises. She goes into the bathroom, shuts the door and stays there until its over.


happy to be living
If there is a pet store close by, most carry calming treats and or CBD.
My store has been selling a lot in the past couple days!
If there are no pet stores, Benedryl will probably knock him out.