Need to pick you all's brains


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Another thing we've been thinking about is just roaming the country and living out of hotels. Crunching the numbers, it's not going to be that much more expensive and it's a heck of a lot easier than living/traveling in a motorhome.

This occurred to me a few years ago when I went down to Myrtle Beach in the off season. My nightly "rent" for a 2 BR, 2BA, full kitchen, oceanfront with a balcony was less than what I was paying for my home mortgage (that had no ocean or balcony, or maid service, or trash removal, or or or).

So what if we just did what I originally said I'd do: throw the dog in the car and hit the road? Choose a place we want to see, get situated in a hotel, and that's where we live for a few weeks or month, until we bug out for the next place. I've actually done long road trips where I've lived out of a suitcase for a couple weeks - it was perfectly fine. I'm not all that attached to my stuff, and a LaQuinta suite has everything I need and then some.

No driving the motorhome across country
No towing a vehicle
Fuel cost is a lot cheaper
WAY easier to maneuver when we happen upon little places along the way that we'd like to see
Completely unencumbered and flexible
No longer limited by the seasons
I will ALWAYS have reliable internet so I can work (this is a major consideration for me)

Limited space for belongings
Somewhat more expensive
No "home" to truly call your own
Hotel rooms aren't as charming as campgrounds
Monello won't have his six tons of fishing gear, or his portabote

Anything else you all can think of? Comments? Suggestions? Advice?


Doris Day meets Lady Gaga
PREMO Member
Add to the Cons, the bed bugs! EEEWWWW....

:jameo: :jameo: :jameo:

Ahem, but I digress. :biggrin:

I need to think about this for a bit. However, my first thought is that I totally get you, and could see this as an option for sure. But, I'm inclined to think that it would get older much faster than the RV thing might. I think having your "own" space, tho' a much smaller scale it would be than your current apartment, would be better than no space of your own. A hotel has so many more limitations on a long term basis, I would think.

So my first thought is I am inclined to go with giving the RV thing a try at least for 3 -6 months. :yay:

Ken King

A little rusty but not crusty
PREMO Member
Monello's retired military right? You could do a combination of RVing and Resorting, check out for space available resorts that run about $350 for a week.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
One of the things that occurred to me when I first got the idea to roam, and again when Monello and I were doing planning, is considering the purchase of a new/used RV and towed vehicle. That money would buy an awful lot of hotel rooms.

And even THIS isn't an original idea, damn it. :mad: There are a bunch of blogs by people who do not have a home that they haven't rented temporarily. It's not as common as living in an RV, but enough people do it that there are a good number of resources out there.

Who'da thought that freedom and flexibility could be such a daunting prospect??? Jeez, it's just easier to be bogged down by a house or rental agreement. Less choices to make.


Well-Known Member
You can get pretty good weekly and monthly rentals at resort areas off-season. Carolina, Georgia beaches fall and winter. Lots of ski resort houses during the spring and summer. Lakefronts across the country, just not during their peak times. Nice areas with plenty of things to do on day trips. Plenty of short term rental sites out there and cheaper than hotels

Personally I would not like hotel living for any length of time. Eating out is nice but not 3 times a day every day. At hotels I always seem to get one adjoining room on spring break, up all night, and another neighbor that is up before dawn and thinks everyone else should be too.


Well-Known Member
I would much rather sleep in my own bed every night and cook my own meals instead of sleeping in a different germ pool every night and eating out every meal, not very healthy in my opinion. On the other hand the rig you have is a monster. You might consider splitting the difference with a trailer or 5th wheel. Monello could take a 1/4 ton of fishing stuff, Apollo could have his blanket, sleep in your own bed and fix healthy meals. Drop the trailer and go sight see rather than trying to park a land yacht in tight spaces. Just my .02


Have you thought about combining both approaches? Use the RV to move around major sections of the country - use the truck/car for week or so trips from "hubs" is various parts of the country.
I like the hotel concept with the idea of combining both modes of travel with the change being the vehicle. Look into “camper vans/conversion vans” they would offer enough space to take some fishing gear and allow your own cooking. There would be no towing or long set ups and the convenience of driving into cities or small towns. I did this combo with camping grounds and hotels and found the balance that worked for me. But I did not consider this as a full time arrangement.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Good feedback - thanks, everyone! You all brought up some great points I hadn't considered. :yay:


Man, I'm still here !!!
No driving the motorhome across country - !
No towing a vehicle - !
Fuel cost is a lot cheaper - !
WAY easier to maneuver when we happen upon little places along the way that we'd like to see - !!
Completely unencumbered and flexible - !!
No longer limited by the seasons - !
I will ALWAYS have reliable internet so I can work (this is a major consideration for me) - !!!!!!!!!

I have thought about what you are doing and like the sound of it. But the DW can't even spell C.A.M.P. sooooo, we will be comfortable enough with our monies to afford hotels, Grand lodges at National parks, use AFVClub etc. Pack up our clubs and hit all the courses that i want along with seeing sights, she can sun on beach while i practice. Go out for a nice dinner and come back go to sleep and get up and do it again... How much time would you really spend in hotel?

Limited space for belongings - prioritize, there are wally world everywhere, for pop up needs
Somewhat more expensive - do the cost analysis, what's the BIG RV get /mile towing that PU, you could always get a VOLT, to tow ;-))) along with NICE campgrounds/night cost
No "home" to truly call your own- its an RV, not home either
Hotel rooms aren't as charming as campgrounds - Ya but when it's raining and the bugs are biting sh1t out of ya, hotel pool can call ya !
Monello won't have his six tons of fishing gear, or his portabote - get a tow behind trailer!

whatever you do, i will live vicariously through your trips !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
So I think what we've decided is to car/hotel travel part of the time, and RV travel the rest. This will give us the best of both worlds, and be more economical anyway. But I'm still open to suggestions/comments/etc.

Now I know how retired people must feel when they're making that adjustment. You long for the day when you don't have to get up and go to work, then when that day comes you're like...well, now what do I do? :lol: While I'm not retiring, and am quite disciplined when it comes to my work day, it's still difficult to wrap my mind around it.