New Businesses Coming to Southern Maryland


Yes I'm an MPD, But who's
What's going on in the Wildewood shopping center wher D.B.McMillian's was? Noticed this morning on the way to work the entire building has been gutted:shrug:
Rumor of Krispy Creme.

I heard that was supposed to go in the old PNC bank across the street from Taco Bell. The McMillans place is probably better, a bit larger, and I'm sure already has piped in gas and electric to support. Going to make that intersection a royal PITA tho.


American Beauty
PREMO Member
I heard that was supposed to go in the old PNC bank across the street from Taco Bell. The McMillans place is probably better, a bit larger, and I'm sure already has piped in gas and electric to support. Going to make that intersection a royal PITA tho.

Everything along 235 is a PITA.


Resident PIA
Everything along 235 is a PITA.

that's the way it was planned
IMHO the old Perkins' buildings should be torn down, burned and buried. They are BOTH cursed.
While the fire is going strong, you can throw the people who designed some of these intersections and parking lots.

Smartest thing the SHA could do is erect NO TURN ON RED at all the lights.
I have witnessed so many near hits when someone rolls through the red and another vehicle is making a U-turn - what do they call it when two or more vehicles occupy the same space, at the same time?
A collision


Resident PIA
I heard that was supposed to go in the old PNC bank across the street from Taco Bell. The McMillans place is probably better, a bit larger, and I'm sure already has piped in gas and electric to support. Going to make that intersection a royal PITA tho.

Well whoever bought the place is doing the first real renovation since it was built as a Perkins.
Interior, exterior, looks like it will all be new except the concrete.


When I saw it, I thought of Raynor Blair. He did the same thing to the old Blockbuster, and the old Bell Used car building. Gutted them to the point you wonder why they did not start new.

Well whoever bought the place is doing the first real renovation since it was built as a Perkins.
Interior, exterior, looks like it will all be new except the concrete.


Power with Control
Smartest thing the SHA could do is erect NO TURN ON RED at all the lights.
I have witnessed so many near hits when someone rolls through the red and another vehicle is making a U-turn - what do they call it when two or more vehicles occupy the same space, at the same time?
A collision

Ah no, what you do, rather than punish everyone for the stupidity of the few is cite the ones who freakin fail to yield the right of way.


Resident PIA
Ah no, what you do, rather than punish everyone for the stupidity of the few is cite the ones who freakin fail to yield the right of way.

And their excuse would be "I didn't know they were making a U-turn". people always have an excuse, a rationalization, on why they are right and you are wrong. Case in point, along 235, the right most lane, is it (a) A merge lane, or (B) a right hand turn lane?
(For the record, the signs say, "Right Lane Must Turn Right" with big right turn arrows on the pavement.)

Not a scientific study, but I can say that cops don't like writing tickets when it's "he said, she said". (or DUI)
They like to write speeding tickets because it's based on a fact the courts accept - distance / time measurement.
When it comes to "right of way" infringement, they want to run the other way. Unless there are serious injuries, they don't want to spend time in court. As one Sargent put it, "their insurance company will penalize them enough".
Case in point, along 235, the right most lane, is it (a) A merge lane, or (B) a right hand turn lane?
(For the record, the signs say, "Right Lane Must Turn Right" with big right turn arrows on the pavement.)
It is obviously both because you exit from businesses and also from route 4 by Wawa directly into the immediate right hand lane. The broken white lines clearly indicate you can merge left from that lane or merge right into that lane. The "must turn" is the clear indication that if you stay in that lane it ends a turn and you must turn because you run out of road and can no longer go straight.
It is obviously both because you exit from businesses and also from route 4 by Wawa directly into the immediate right hand lane. The broken white lines clearly indicate you can merge left from that lane or merge right into that lane. The "must turn" is the clear indication that if you stay in that lane it ends a turn and you must turn because you run out of road and can no longer go straight.

I hate logic... :mad:


Power with Control
And their excuse would be "I didn't know they were making a U-turn". people always have an excuse, a rationalization, on why they are right and you are wrong. Case in point, along 235, the right most lane, is it (a) A merge lane, or (B) a right hand turn lane?
(For the record, the signs say, "Right Lane Must Turn Right" with big right turn arrows on the pavement.)

Not a scientific study, but I can say that cops don't like writing tickets when it's "he said, she said". (or DUI)
They like to write speeding tickets because it's based on a fact the courts accept - distance / time measurement.
When it comes to "right of way" infringement, they want to run the other way. Unless there are serious injuries, they don't want to spend time in court. As one Sargent put it, "their insurance company will penalize them enough".

So, while I understand your points, and agree with your conclusion regarding enforcement, I will accept some collisions (especially since they are virtually all of the fender bender variety) rather than add a lot of signs restricting traffic flow. Right on red became a thing for a reason, and we should not let inattentive drivers take that away from us simply because the law enforcement agencies don't want to spend time on it. Hell, they wont even enforce the cell phone law, while cells are the single most dangerous thing on the roads today.

As for the turn/merge lane, its real name is a acceleration/deceleration lane. It's purpose is to give traffic entering and leaving the travel lanes a place to do those things so they are not at a different speed in the travel lanes than traffic. Of course, a lot of folks don't use it that way, they blow through it doing 15 and enter the travel lanes at that speed. Or slow to 15 before leaving the travel lanes.


New Member
Of course, a lot of folks don't use it that way, they blow through it doing 15 and enter the travel lanes at that speed. Or slow to 15 before leaving the travel lanes.


99% of the time they do 1 of 2 things in this lane. They either

1) Get into it WAY before their turn and ride it for 3/4 of a mile at or below speed

2) Use it as a passing lane for slower traffic (235 during rush hour)


Power with Control

99% of the time they do 1 of 2 things in this lane. They either

1) Get into it WAY before their turn and ride it for 3/4 of a mile at or below speed

2) Use it as a passing lane for slower traffic (235 during rush hour)

True, I was soley addressing the abuse of it as an accell/decell lane. I did think about talking about the abuse of using it as a passing travel lane, but didn't want to muddy the waters :)


Resident PIA
True, I was soley addressing the abuse of it as an accell/decell lane. I did think about talking about the abuse of using it as a passing travel lane, but didn't want to muddy the waters :)

1. Fender benders hinder traffic more than a stopping at t red light, particularly at rush hour.
2. Who has the right of way? The vehicle trying to get off 235 (decell) to turn into a drive, or the person exiting?
3. At Rt 4 and other major intersections, who has the right of way and does a yield equate to a rolling stop?

The idea behind "right on red" wasn't to just keep traffic moving, it was so people didn't get stuck at a red light when there wasn't any cross traffic to be of concern.

The idea behind those "merge" lanes was to allow traffic to pull over and slow down to turn right so they didn't slow down the thru traffic.

But with the wild west rules in place you have vehicles slowing / stopping on 235 because the "merge" lane is being used as an accel lane, a thru lane,etc. Hard to enforce because while the sign says (from the early stages) right lane must turn right, it doesn't say whether it's 100 feet, a 1000 feet or a half mile or more.

Of course signs don't matter, even if they are clear, because it's simply a matter of convenience. At Gate 1, SB 235 says NO U-TURN and the traffic exiting the base says NO TURN ON RED. I will say for the most part you don't see people making a right on red there.
You do see people making a U-TURN. Why, because how else can they double back to the buildings between Gate 1 and the next light on the NB side? Right!


Power with Control
1. Your signs hinder every single car, while the crashes hinder very few proportionately speaking.

2. So, ROW is always to the vehicle on the main roadway, the vehicle merging has to yield. If you are one of those idiots trying to pull out of CVS or WaWa and cross three freaking travel lanes to hit the turn pane, you wait until the person slowing to enter does so safely. If you are trying to leave San Souci to go south, you yield to someone who left WaWa the correct way to get to CVS who is pulling a U-turn there at San Souci. Any other specific cases you have in mind?

3. If the sign says Yield, say you are exiting Rt 4 to go south on 235, there is no need for any kind of stop, but you do have to Yield to whomever is on the roadway you are entering.


Resident PIA
It is obviously both because you exit from businesses and also from route 4 by Wawa directly into the immediate right hand lane. The broken white lines clearly indicate you can merge left from that lane or merge right into that lane. The "must turn" is the clear indication that if you stay in that lane it ends a turn and you must turn because you run out of road and can no longer go straight.

so then it's fine to go from Rt 4 to First Colony in the turn lane?
Or in the as the case from Walmart, people roll around the turn out of Wallymart and ride the right lane down 235 to Chancellors Run Rd
It's an express lane, just like from Shady Mile Drive (NB) to Rt 4. Actually I've seen people ride the right lane up from Town Creek, since there is no island at any of the intersections they continue on.


New Member
Looked and couldn't find anything posted yet. Any inside scoop on what is going in the old Perkins/DB McMillans. A lot of construction happening the past week or so.