

I did feel really bad for the few men we saw. Although one man was totally decked out from head to toe in old NKOTB wear. Picture will be here soon!

I have been singing all day long. I even burned myself a CD of their songs. I will kindly burn one for you if you would like to hear it.

I think for halloween I might be a NKOTB fan...yes, I bought a tshirt! It really was just an awesome experience. We got tons of pics. They will be on myspace later!

I am so sad Jen was still sick :(

Please someone make it stop. :lalala:

Where is Chain when I need him?

Wait, did I actually just say I needed Chain :smack: myself.
I went last night and it was one of the best concerts I've seen. They were really good and song all the old songs as well as some new ones.


In doubt? Throttle out!
To be honest, I would rather headbutt a board with a rusty nail than listen to one of their songs. Something about those guys creeps me the hell out. I don't know if them trying to sing has anything to do about it, or just attempting to look like 40 year-old Hollister models.