Obama Regulations Killed Eric Garner


New Member
None of that justifies the force used on him

What is the appropriate level of force that should be used on someone resisting arrest? Like if I fight back a little they should just let me go or should I fight back a little harder for that to happen?

Do what the cop says (know your rights, an order is different than a suggestion and so on) and you most likely will live another day and if the cop is wrong you will most likely live another day with a nice payout on top of it.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
You really need to get a life....

Agree, but not for the reasons you stated.

Saying Obama regulations killed Eric Garner is like saying laws against armed robbery and murder killed Leon Taylor. To insinuate that cigarette taxes made Garner open up shop is stupid and not worth considering.


PREMO Member
To insinuate that cigarette taxes made Garner open up shop is stupid and not worth considering.

you have some new back ground information on Garner ?

otherwise, please consider the following;

.... you were a smoker once

the TAX on a pack of smokes in NY is over $ 4.00 that is the TAX
.... then NYC ads another $ 1.50

so a pack of cigarettes costs north of $ 12 bucks in an effort to curb use
History has shown, any time a GOV Bans or attempts to control access to something, a black market arises to fill a void

Liquor, Pot [drugs in general], Criminals Possession of Guns
... all controlled or ownership banned at on time or another all supplied by someone willing to risk jail to make a buck

it does not appear Garner was some gang banger
..... just a guy selling loose cigarettes - a TAX Violation
.... numerous articles have said Garners repeated run ins with the law were over just that selling untaxed cigarettes

but your right in one respect, the tax did not kill Garner, but the cop applying the illegal choke hold

Why Rand Paul’s Eric Garner theory is flawed

The likely 2016 presidential candidate continued, “I think it’s also important to know that some politician put a tax of $5.85 on a pack of cigarettes, so they’ve driven cigarettes underground by making them so expensive. But then some politician also had to direct the police to say, ‘Hey we want you arresting people for selling a loose cigarette.’ And for someone to die over breaking that law, there really is no excuse for it. But I do blame the politicians. We put the police in a difficult situation with bad laws.”
Critics contend that Paul’s theory is flawed, to say the least. Garner didn’t die as a direct result of the New York Legislature passing a law in 2010 increasing taxes on cigarettes bought in New York City to $5.85 a pack. He died because he was put into a chokehold, a tactic banned by the NYPD in 1994. Even if high taxes on cigarettes create a vibrant black market for cigarettes, critics say that has little to do with how police officers enforce those laws. Hiking taxes on cigarettes and banning the sale of loose cigarettes doesn’t require cops to use lethal force against violators of the law.

And politically, it’s an odd position to take, especially for Paul, who has been courting African-Americans and has made a very clear pitch in tackling racial issues involving the criminal justice system, in additional to visiting historically black colleges.

“He very well may believe the taxes are too high, but the cigarette tax argument seems like small potatoes and a cop out in that he didn’t want to be seen as being too critical of the police, so he chose to focus on this and attack public officials,” said Jeanne Zaino, a professor of political science at Iona College and of political campaign management at New York University. “This could have been the perfect segue for him to talk about what the Republican Party can do to address problems involving race and the criminal justice system.”


Well-Known Member
you have some new back ground information on Garner ?

otherwise, please consider the following;

.... you were a smoker once

the TAX on a pack of smokes in NY is over $ 4.00 that is the TAX
.... then NYC ads another $ 1.50

so a pack of cigarettes costs north of $ 12 bucks in an effort to curb use
History has shown, any time a GOV Bans or attempts to control access to something, a black market arises to fill a void

Liquor, Pot [drugs in general], Criminals Possession of Guns
... all controlled or ownership banned at on time or another all supplied by someone willing to risk jail to make a buck

it does not appear Garner was some gang banger
..... just a guy selling loose cigarettes - a TAX Violation
.... numerous articles have said Garners repeated run ins with the law were over just that selling untaxed cigarettes

but your right in one respect, the tax did not kill Garner, but the cop applying the illegal choke hold
First, if the choke hold was 'illegal' the GJ would have indicted. That hold is taught by the departments academy.
Second, he was still selling smokes at prices above that of the stores. You don't get a deal when you buy single cigarettes.