Pelosi Ramblings


PREMO Member

‘Pick’ ‘Crops’

Pelosi’s comments were in apparent reference to Florida Governor Ron DeSantis (R) sending 50 illegal aliens to Martha’s Vineyard earlier this month, a move that enraged the political Left.

“Right now, the best thing that we can do for our economy is comprehensive immigration reform,” Pelosi said. “We have a shortage of workers in our country, and you see even in Florida, some of the farmers and the growers saying: ‘Why are you shipping these immigrants up north? We need them to pick the crops down here.’”


Well-Known Member

‘Pick’ ‘Crops’

Pelosi’s comments were in apparent reference to Florida Governor Ron DeSantis (R) sending 50 illegal aliens to Martha’s Vineyard earlier this month, a move that enraged the political Left.

“Right now, the best thing that we can do for our economy is comprehensive immigration reform,” Pelosi said. “We have a shortage of workers in our country, and you see even in Florida, some of the farmers and the growers saying: ‘Why are you shipping these immigrants up north? We need them to pick the crops down here.’”
She is insinuating that all of those crossing the border are only fit to pick crops.
She is probably right. It is certain that the best and brightest aren't making the trek to America.


Visualize whirled peas
PREMO Member

‘Pick’ ‘Crops’

Pelosi’s comments were in apparent reference to Florida Governor Ron DeSantis (R) sending 50 illegal aliens to Martha’s Vineyard earlier this month, a move that enraged the political Left.

“Right now, the best thing that we can do for our economy is comprehensive immigration reform,” Pelosi said. “We have a shortage of workers in our country, and you see even in Florida, some of the farmers and the growers saying: ‘Why are you shipping these immigrants up north? We need them to pick the crops down here.’”
I kind of agree with her, actually I agreed with Trump when he was trying to get them to the table to work on this 4 or 5 years ago. Comprehensive immigration reform, DACA actually being legislated instead dictated, along with SECURING the border. The D’s would rather work on sound bites for a never ending election cycle.
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I bet Nancy has a helluva punch too.
about like getting hit by one of Lindell's pillows.

But this does show the depth of her hatred for the former President.
It explains the reason why she has political prisoner in DC jail for the last 18 months in violation of our Constitution. This my friends is the Speaker of the House.
Shamefully stupid ..


PREMO Member

Nancy Pelosi Melts Down Over Latest Polling

During an interview with MSNBC Tuesday afternoon, Speaker Nancy Pelosi shot back at host Andrea Mitchell after she was presented with polling from the New York Times showing Republicans are on track to take the House majority in November.

"The New York Times poll I think is an outlier poll, you cite one poll, but all the other polls..." Pelosi said.

"It's also the RealClearPolitics average," Mitchell pushed back.



PREMO Member

Nancy Pelosi Just Slipped Up and Gave the GOP Their Single Best Ad for the 2022 Midterms

Thus, Pelosi’s claim that it was an “outlier poll” has no merit.

“The evidence for a shift toward Republicans appears to be underpinned by a change in the national political environment,” the Times went on. “Gas prices went up again. The stock market is down. A variety of data suggests that the electorate’s attention is shifting back to issues where Republicans are on stronger ground in public opinion, like the economy, inflation, crime and immigration, and away from the summer’s focus on democracy, gun violence and abortion, where Democrats have an edge.”

But Pelosi has rejected these concerns and has doubled down on matters that don’t impact most Americans’ lives, such as abortion returning to become a state issue, as well as the never-ending January 6 sage featuring Donald Trump, who is no longer in office. Pelosi reinforced this tone-deaf impression in the MSNBC interview.

“I have been since Congress adjourned, I’ve been in an average of five states a week,” Pelosi also sad in the MSNBC interview. “And I can tell you that women’s concerns about their freedom are very, very much, still very significant in terms of how they will vote. In fact, 80% of people who care about a woman’s right to choose say they will vote, They will determine who they vote for.”

“So, again, Washington has always been, ‘oh, Republicans are gonna win, there’s no question for a year and a half now’,” she added. “That has diminished in terms of that certainty. And there is a, a real race on the Republicans are pouring endless money, dark, undisclosed, special interest money into the campaigns, but we’re holding our own. It’s a matter of who turns out to vote.”

Pelosi needs to get out of the Echo Chamber or she is being lied to


Well-Known Member
I can't wait to see them take her private GOVERNMENT plane away from her and she has to fly coach back and forth to California.

Of course she won't fly coach, but I can dream can't I?


Well-Known Member
It is a very rare event that the first mid-term after a new party enters the White House DOESN'T go largely against the party in power.
Since FDR, only twice has the first mid-term gained seats with the party in power - FDR in 1934 and Bush in 2002. And that's not surprising; FDR was being credited with ending the Depression, and Bush had entered us in a war against the presumed perpetrators of 9/11.

And the timing of all the others - not so good. Poor Gerry Ford saw a huge loss - right after Nixon resigned. Even Reagan saw a loss, because we were still in recession.

One of the reasons this happens is what is sometimes termed the coattail effect - a new party comes into the White House, and the popularity of the candidate at the top of the ticket has enough clout to swing voters in "purple" districts. A new wave of newly minted House members win in districts where their share of the vote is fairly thin - but after a couple years, it snaps back.

Sometimes, in the case of Clinton and Obama, the blowback from voters is very strong, and the voters showing up consist of concerned and motivated members of the opposition. The candidate in the White House has pissed off a lot of voters early on rushing into disliked legislation, and they get them riled up enough to show up in numbers. Mid-terms tend to be that way - it's always been that voters don't show up as much, but they do when it's the party they oppose.

Pelosi is presiding over I think the narrowest margin in the House in history - and she thinks she'll keep it? A smart thing to say would be she doesn't know, or doesn't trust polling - if you're the Speaker of the House, you don't go around saying you think you'll lose, even though it's almost a certainty, and there's good reason to believe that the bloodletting will be WORSE, as Republicans are gaining ground in blue areas.

But it's sheer stupidity to declare you'll win. Not unless she knows something the rest of us don't know.


PREMO Member

New documentary claims Pelosi blamed 2010 House loss on white men getting ‘in a mood’ over jobs

Pelosi told Obama that Democrats shouldn’t consider their shellacking during the midterms as a referendum on healthcare reform. That was when she claimed that white men were just upset over high unemployment rates and that is why they lost.

“Our members have said they don’t regret their healthcare bill right across the board. Even if we never passed healthcare reform, we were still going to lose this election because of 9.5% unemployment. ‘Cause it wasn’t about that, it was about jobs,” Pelosi informed the president.

“The white male thing is just – that’s a dominant thing. When they don’t have a job, they get in a mood,” she stated. “And, um, so we’ll have to make some decisions in our caucus about how we go forward.”



PREMO Member

Twitter only too happy to answer Pelosi asking ‘Am I a b*tch?’ in new documentary

In a so-called “documentary” from daughter Alexandra Pelosi, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi asked a question many Americans have likely answered under their breath or in the privacy of their living room while watching the news or various political events — like the State of the Union.

“Am I a b*tch?” asked the 82-year-old Democrat, during a call with then-Vice President Mike Pence.

The question was part of a scene in a glowing film Alexandra is making of her mother, “Pelosi in the House,” according to footage reviewed by Politico Playbook — the film aired Tuesday night on HBO.

Talk about bias, Politico may have tipped its hand a bit while setting the scene:

“During an early 2020 congressional recess, in the heat of DONALD TRUMP’s bungled pandemic response, NANCY PELOSI listened from home as Vice President MIKE PENCE spoke on a coronavirus teleconference. The speaker did the laundry and tidied the bed as Pence spoke. Her husband, PAUL PELOSI, made food in the kitchen.”