Priceless Fritz Google Ads


New Member
You just gotta wonder what keywords trigger Mattingly's Google ads.

I wonder if it's the word Fritz, rape, or either.



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Lem Putt
You just gotta wonder what keywords trigger Mattingly's Google ads.

I wonder if it's the word Fritz, rape, or either.


Ken, why did you support Fritz the first time around? Why didn't you start attacking until he had already won the office?

Weren't you aware of his past when you first supported him? Didn't you do your homework? Isn't that your responsibility as a "journalist?"

Excuse me while I laugh at the thought of calling you a journalist. It's kind of like calling you a businessman or a decent human being.

Back to the topic, did you just ignore his past when it suited your hateful agenda?

Why should we believe a word you say when you flip-flop more than the carreer politicians do?


New Member
Ken is a bum, a lier and what ever else a person wants to call him. The truth of the matter is that Fritz drove him crazy ( more crazy). Has he ever achieved at anything? His slate even dumped him; and now Jarboe even stands to be defeated. Oh my, where will ken go, what will he do ? Clarke won't let him even go near his old paper.


New Member
Ken, why did you support Fritz the first time around? Why didn't you start attacking until he had already won the office?

Weren't you aware of his past when you first supported him? Didn't you do your homework? Isn't that your responsibility as a "journalist?"

Excuse me while I laugh at the thought of calling you a journalist. It's kind of like calling you a businessman or a decent human being.

Back to the topic, did you just ignore his past when it suited your hateful agenda?

Why should we believe a word you say when you flip-flop more than the carreer politicians do?

Maybe rape. Fritz likes rape.
