Recently started jogging.


Well-Known Member
Forgot to mention that I went to Fleet Feet Sports to get my running shoes. I can't say enough about how good the staff was.


Doris Day meets Lady Gaga
I really like Brooks. I had an older pair that I put some miles on before I allowed myself to get this heavy and out of shape. You seem to be in great shape so I think the adrenaline may work for you. For me they didn't feel like they had enough support for me when I tried them on. My arches collapse a bit under my weight and as a result I go from having a nice arch (when sitting down) to more of a flat foot (when standing up). this should change as my weight decreases. I also have a slight pronation problem and tend to wear out the outer edges of my heals so a good stability shoe works best for me. Brooks do very well in the expert reviews and it seems you can't go wrong with them. The Mizuno shoe (not sure which model) were the most uncomfortable. They felt like there were some pressure points around the outer ball of my foot and I knew right away they weren't the shoe for me.

I'm no expert on running shoes so having a runner spend an hour fitting me to the proper shoe was an amazing experience.

I also have the pronation problem, with flat feet. Where is the Fleet Feet Sports store? I would really like to have someone who knows what they are doing. The store that was here in PF is gone and several sports shoes stores in Annapolis mall had NO ONE who really knew what they were doing. They just pick shoes off the shelves for you and ring them up.


God bless the USA
Forgot to mention that I went to Fleet Feet Sports to get my running shoes. I can't say enough about how good the staff was.

My hub used Fleet Feet early on, but now gets everything from RunningWarehouse online. He has bought and goes through so many shoes, it is crazy. I am glad he only buys on sale! :lol: He is attempting his second 100 miler the first weekend in April in NC. He ran 60 in his first attempt. He got hypothermia because of cold and rain, and had to stop. It is truly amazing what the human body can do. I think you are doing great. Don't lose sight of your goal. And, I read a comment by you earlier that once you get going, you want to keep going. That is the key. It is addicting, but in a good way. Keep on truckin', BBird! :smile:

One more thing: You, also, said that you walk, jog, run. That is how ultra runners do it, too. They don't run the whole 100 miles. :faint: But, there is a time constraint to these races. My hub has done this for so long, he knows how to do it.
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Well-Known Member
BlueBird, you don't mention drinking water. Someone who reads too much once told me that we need, or at least should drink 96 oz. of water a day. Have you incorporated that amount of water consumption into your regimen? If nothing else, you can rack up more miles with all the trips to the can.
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Thanks Bann and Littleday. I woke up this morning feeling fantastic. For breakfast I had two eggs scrambled with 1 slice of chopped onion, 1/2 a jalepeno pepper, 1 small sweet orange pepper, 1 cup black coffee, 1 English muffin toasted with 1/2 table spoon of real butter and 1 oz of red grapes. I feel full and the best thing is that it was only 400 calories, 39 grams of carbs. I've been measuring and weighing everything! I'm taking a day off from physical activity to give my body time to heal a bit. I'll run tomorrow. Now I'm looking for a good pair of running shoes as my current pair seem a little wore out. I like the shoe finder thing at runners world but I really need to try some on in person before I commit to a pair. After all my next pair will end up having many miles on them so they have to be up to the task.

Thanks for all the encouragement everyone.
A good pair of running shoes are a "must". I used to run....a lot and not with good shoes. Today, my knees are shot, feet, etc. I can still walk, but only about a mile before things start hurting. Doc said if I kept running he'd be replacing my knees. :doh:


Well-Known Member
I also have the pronation problem, with flat feet. Where is the Fleet Feet Sports store? I would really like to have someone who knows what they are doing. The store that was here in PF is gone and several sports shoes stores in Annapolis mall had NO ONE who really knew what they were doing. They just pick shoes off the shelves for you and ring them up.

Fleet feet is in Annapolis.


Well-Known Member
BlueBird, you don't mention drinking water. Someone who reads too much once told me that we need, or at least should drink 96 oz. of water a day. Have you incorporated that amount of water consumption into your regimen? If nothing else, you can rack up more miles with all the trips to the can.

I drink at least 1 gallon of water a day, I'm always thirsty. Less thirsty since being on my diet (oops I meant new way of eating) which is weird because I've been sweating a lot more but out of habit I still drink the same amount of water.


Well-Known Member
A good pair of running shoes are a "must". I used to run....a lot and not with good shoes. Today, my knees are shot, feet, etc. I can still walk, but only about a mile before things start hurting. Doc said if I kept running he'd be replacing my knees. :doh:

My left knee is starting to bother me so I'll just slow down a little bit. I did 13 miles last week and I think that was a little too much for just starting off. I tried to run 3 miles yesterday but was only able to jpg about 2.5 before I had to walk. Good news was my pace was under a 12 minute minute mile so I got a little quicker. I'm heavy and out of shape so I have to be careful not to hurt my knees.
I drink at least 1 gallon of water a day, I'm always thirsty. Less thirsty since being on my diet (oops I meant new way of eating) which is weird because I've been sweating a lot more but out of habit I still drink the same amount of water.

You can drink too much water, a condition called hyponatremia. It upsets the ability of nerves and neurons to transmit information. And being thirsty all the time is one marker for diabetes, but you probably knew that.


Well-Known Member
Cool! Foxhound and I love going to Annapolis, so we can do a date night there again, soon. :dance:

It seemed to me that everyone working there was a runner Years ago I did the shoe fit thing online and that was how I ended up with my Brooks Ravenna shoes. This was a much better experience and I really do feel that I got the best shoe for me.


Well-Known Member
You can drink too much water, a condition called hyponatremia. It upsets the ability of nerves and neurons to transmit information. And being thirsty all the time is one marker for diabetes, but you probably knew that.

I'm trying to stave off type II diabetes hence the drastic life style change, and I want to feel and be healthier. I'm borderline right now and I suspect that this new way of eating will get me out of the woods so to speak. We'll know more in 3 months when I go in to get my A1C checked. All we know now is that my fasting glucose levels have been slowly rising over the past few years, a marker used for determining whether or not someone is likely to develop type II diabetes. Most recently it was 121 after 12 hours of fasting. I'm at that age where most Americans are diagnosed as being type two diabetic.

If I'm thirsty I drink water. Not very concerned about drinking too much water. I'm a large man and there's a lot of water in this body!