Saying 'No' to Harsh Anti-Immigrant Measures


New Member
Folks, argue semantics all you want, the fact remains:

There is a legal system for foreigners to immigrate to this country, Republicans/Conservatives support and in fact demand to reform it to make it easier for folks to immigrate.

There is a flood foreigners sneaking into this country, NOT complying with the immigration laws, and Democrats/Liberals support it and in fact insist on expanding and sustaining the status quo, that arguably is creating a population of second class citizens to be exploited.

When people frame the debate about illegal immigration/aliens as an immigration issue, its disengenous.

When people frame those that support immigration, as NOT supporting immigration, because they wish to fix the illegal immigration/alien problems, that is disengenous.

Yes, some Republicans have supported illegal immigration, because of the business advantage of a low wage work force, that is wrong, and you can see those Republicans are NOT much in favor with their party anymore.

Don't deny, Democrats have been supporting illegal immigration for the voting block it creates in their favor. Does everyone need to be reminded about the Bill Clinton Voting Card mailed out to everyone in California, in Spanish, that was NO question intended to encourage illegal aliens to go and vote.

I lived in Southern California for a year in the 90's, I had a Canadian, on a work visa, tell me I was fool for NOT going and voting in the California State Elections, even though I registered to vote in Pennsylvania, he had just come from voting.

Arguably, the very title of the thread and the article posted:
"More Municipalities Saying 'No' to Harsh Anti-Immigrant Measures"

Is a bold faced lie, NOT a single thing in the article was about Harsh Anti-Immigrant Measures, it was all about saying YES to more illegal aliens.

Argue the Symantics as you will, its only plausible deniability for claiming this intent to decieve, as NOT being a lie, because of how you parse and argue over the symantics of the words used in the deception.

Wasn't their a whole other thread on the board about Democrats Lying?
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