SMTR Judged Trail Ride


Horse Poor
My opinion of a sheriff or what ever at road crossing is mine. You seem to be making a big deal over nothing. The orange vested guy wasn't doing his job when we came up to the road he was just sitting there like a lump. He never got off his a$$ to look for traffic. Atleast the first guy did walk up to the edge of the road giving a warning to drivers. I wasn't accusing of him spooking my horse either I was just saying that she seen him and got nervous.


Rocky Mountain High!!
Most challenging obstacle?

We got there late, cause kiddo wanted to go see some puppies - didn't take one though <whew>, so we didn't arrive until around 11:15 or so. Went out about 11:40

did you sidepass?
we haven't done that in many, many moons, LOL and i think Te might have taken one sideways step ACCIDENTALLY of course, :lol: and kiddo didn't have a clue what a sidepass even WAS :lol:


Rocky Mountain High!!
persimmoncf said:
hi Happyappy it was good seeing you, Im just sorry that we did not get time to put-put on the ride with eachother. And yes he was palamino with flax main/tail. What a sweet!

Appyday were U there? With 96 riders I missed many of you, and most riders were non-judged and left so early. That was a social stinker!!!
:howdy: percy!!
hey.... an idea for next year, i was at a judged ride where one obstacle was checking for ID on horse and rider :biggrin:


SMTR Judged Ride

First and foremost let me say HOORAY for Volunteers :yay: ! Kudos to all the people who took hours and days out of their lives to mark trails, set up-obstacles, schedule and promote, prepare food and much, much more....and Thank you to the man in the big orange vest who sat voluntarily on his 4-wheeler for 5 hours to assist 104 riders cross the road safely!

mingiz said:
My opinion of a sheriff or what ever at road crossing is mine. You seem to be making a big deal over nothing. The orange vested guy wasn't doing his job when we came up to the road he was just sitting there like a lump. He never got off his a$$ to look for traffic. Atleast the first guy did walk up to the edge of the road giving a warning to drivers. I wasn't accusing of him spooking my horse either I was just saying that she seen him and got nervous.

Second..opinions are funny things! Everyone has one and so be's mine. So you state that your weren't "accusing" him of spooking your horse...that she got nervous. Seems to me that if she were "just" nervous with a man just sitting on his a$$ in an orange vest, on a 4-wheeler...what do you think her reaction would've been if he would have stood up and gestered or if he would have started his ATV? He apparently saw that there were no vehicles approaching and observed your horse's nervousness as to his presence. Therefore his choice of sitting still is commended.

Lastly, to my knowledge not ONE person, on an SMTR ride, has ever been injured in a road crossing nor have they ever needed police assistance. I would rather my tax dollars be spent on catching criminals such as pediphiles, murderers and drunk drivers than sitting for hours on the side of the road, directing traffic for horses and their riders to cross. Again, NO ONE has ever been injured attempting to cross any roads so MISSION ACCOMPLISHED!



This is fun right?
persimmoncf said:
Blah Blah Yada Yada.... So, as the young man was dying to get off the SLOW Belguim .... Blah Blah Yada Yada

Speed is relative, slow to some is fast to others, you shall pay for that Remark Percy!!!! (hah)

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Persimmon Creek Farm
SAHRAB said:
Speed is relative, slow to some is fast to others, you shall pay for that Remark Percy!!!! (hah)


:popcorn: Bring it on you BEAST. I will send Henry over to have a talk with PigPig.