So When do the Masks Come Off?


I don't know, it may have always been a good idea to wear a mask there. Just going from some of the people I've seen getting on and off that thing.
3 words for ya!

Mike Myers No GIF
Going with Ma to a doctor consultation this week. They called to say she can only bring one person and we both must be masked. The thing is I have been to this office before and the waiting room is size of a postage stamp. So are all the offices. All patients are sitting crammed together for quite some time. Mask are not going to stop a thing.


Well-Known Member
Going with Ma to a doctor consultation this week. They called to say she can only bring one person and we both must be masked. The thing is I have been to this office before and the waiting room is size of a postage stamp. So are all the offices. All patients are sitting crammed together for quite some time. Mask are not going to stop a thing.
They have and will not do a thing ever it is just a way to control some people who believe this manufactured BS


PREMO Member
The masking thing has gone on far too long now.

The Dr.s offices need to give up this bull#### theatre as well.


PREMO Member
The dentist office OMG. Sit in the waiting room, masked, get to the back and sit there, maskless, for an hour, with your mouth hanging open.

stupid, stupid, stupid
Just went through that myself, a week ago.

even the dental tech thinks it's stupid but the office policy is to do it. :rolleyes:


Long Haired Country Boy
Ad Free Experience
Just went through that myself, a week ago.

even the dental tech thinks it's stupid but the office policy is to do it. :rolleyes:
I visited my dentist last week. Scrambled to find a mask in the clutter of my car, only to peer through the window and see happy smiling faces.


..if momma ain't happy...
I dont mind masking in medical, but the stupid entry process at the Bean building needs to go away.
Took my 97 yr old aunt, got her checked in at their dumb health station, walked her just inside the door so she could sit down. I thought they were going to chase me down with clubs!

Got my temp taken, answered their questions (who in their right mind would answer so they get turned away?!?!?!), hand my release paper to my still seated aunt so I can go park the car. Oh nonononono, I must carry the paper with me so that I can show it when I return. What, that piece of paper is a rona shield?

Then, when we were seated right across from the pharmacy waiting for her prescription, watched as a woman came in, explained that she was just there to pickup a prescription. They waved her in, she grabbed her scrip, and proceeded to go the entire length of the building to the restroom, where she spent FOREVER doing whatever she was doing, then walked the entire length of the building back out, after stopping in one waiting room to speak with a receptionist.

Sure hope she's still alive, since she didn't get her paper shield.


PREMO Member
What's worst is that when you point out how stupid and completely pointless their rona policies are you get a disdainful look.



Well-Known Member
The dentist office OMG. Sit in the waiting room, masked, get to the back and sit there, maskless, for an hour, with your mouth hanging open.

stupid, stupid, stupid
My dentist still has you call from the car in the parking lot and they bring you a paper to fill out then come back out and bring you in and check your temp.


Doris Day meets Lady Gaga
I don't know, it may have always been a good idea to wear a mask there. Just going from some of the people I've seen getting on and off that thing.
It was Thing1's primary source of transportation for many years. (He can actually walk to work now, which is a very good thing).

It was very empowering to his autonomy to be able to get to and from work on his own. 👍