St. Louis cops charged with beating undercover detective


Well-Known Member
The federal indictment announced Thursday accuses officers Dustin Boone, Randy Hays and Christopher Myers of attacking an undercover colleague during a 2017 protest, not knowing he was an officer, and trying to obstruct the investigation.
St. Louis was besieged by protests after the Sept. 15, 2017, acquittal of Jason Stockley, a white former police officer charged in the 2011 death of a black man, Anthony Lamar Smith.
Two nights after the acquittal, demonstrators broke windows and turned over flower pots downtown.
Several of the messages cited in the indictment were attributed to Boone. On the day of Stockley's acquittal, Boone allegedly wrote, "The more the merrier!!! It's gonna get IGNORANT tonight!! But it's gonna be a lot of fun beating the hell out of these (expletives) once the sun goes down and nobody can tell us apart!!!!"
Later on Sept. 15, 2017, Boone allegedly wrote, "We really need these (expletives) to start acting up so we can have some fun."

Here's the indictment:


Well-Known Member
Something tells me that if this guy hadn't been a fellow cop, this lawsuit wouldn't have made it this far. The text messages at the end of the article make it clear on what these officers think "protecting and serving" means.

In affidavits supporting the application for the warrants, FBI Special Agent Darren Boehlje wrote that Hall and his partner were undercover, “documenting protest activity and property destruction.” Hall was carrying a Nikon camera and a cellphone.
At an intersection, police SUVs pulled up and a female officer ordered Hall to get to the ground.

As he was getting to his knees, Hall was picked up twice and slammed to the ground, face first, Boehlje wrote. His nose and lip were already bleeding when he was repeatedly kicked and hit with closed fists and sticks, Boehlje wrote.

Hall’s hands were in front of him on the ground, and although officers were telling him to put his hands behind his back, they were also standing on his arms, Boehlje wrote.
The affidavit also details text messages purportedly exchanged after the attack:

The day after the assault, Boone and Hays discussed it by text, with Hays writing that he’d told someone “the ass whooping can be explained. The camera thing can’t and we weren’t a part of that.”

Boone replies that he was “WAY more alright with what u and I did than what the others did! I don’t like that we put our hands on another cop, but the situation was a little (expletive) up, too, wasn’t JUST us.”

Hays then echoed that, adding that Hall “could’ve announced himself any time. And he wasn’t complying. The camera thing is just ignorant, nothing we all haven’t done and if it was a protester it wouldn’t be a problem at all.”


Beloved Misanthrope
PREMO Member
I have never been there. Even if it is, that does not excuse police brutality.

Perhaps we can get the police to adopt an equality policy!

Every time they shoot or beat a person of color, they have to find and beat or shoot a white progressive to even everything out.


PREMO Member
Perhaps we can get the police to adopt an equality policy!

Nope ... just let the Nation of Islam conduct 'community' policing like they did in DC in the early 90's in the 1300 Block of Clifton St.

AA can give AA a beat down, no whitey required


Well-Known Member
Why would these officers be so stupid to use SMS where there is a record of what was sent?


Well-Known Member
Anyway, St. Louis is a #### hole. What do you expect?

St. Louis is actually two cities in different States.
East St Louis is a little rough and West St. Louis not so bad.

It's a bit like crossing the Anacostia River in Washington.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
I don't know....police who swore an oath to the constitution to actually care about the constitutional protections afforded to the people they supposedly "protect and serve"?

I think you should run over there and tell that #### hole to straighten up so they can get decent people working for their police force. Hit up Baltimore and Chicago while you're at it.


R.I.P. My Brother Rick
I don't know....police who swore an oath to the constitution to actually care about the constitutional protections afforded to the people they supposedly "protect and serve"?

Police don't take an oath to 'protect and serve' individuals, it's the citizenry as a whole.

I won't take a side either way because I doubt we've been presented with unbiased fact.


Well-Known Member
Police don't take an oath to 'protect and serve' individuals, it's the citizenry as a whole.

I won't take a side either way because I doubt we've been presented with unbiased fact.

Sort of. Assuming for a second what you said is true, wouldn't an individual be a prt of the citizenry?