St. Mary's Hospital


New Member
Well, I hope your are the VERY next patient in emergent need wheeled thru the doors to be admited. Good luck! and let me know how you make out!

Anyone else, go north if you can for all and any medical needs. Around here most doctors and staff are owned and RULED by the Shah family mafia! And for you newbies who don't know what or who that is. perhaps you are more blind than you think. And this is also a response to the thread about Lex Park being a desireable place to live. Ha! If you like high taxes, local government run and controlled by a few families (read about the commissioner and the counterfeit for one) and local jets decaying the welfare and the noise levels beyond normal human habitat. Oh, for those of you who work for the base, I am sure you just love the noise and pollution. they cater to your kind. I'll be moving from here soon and damn glad to be getting out of this corrupted swamp! I never had sinus problems till I moved here, or witnessed such a nepotism-riddled base work force, or a local govt so corrupt, they fill their pockets with riches and protect their own kind. and screw the taxpayers and residents. And most residents are too blind to even realize it. Yeah, you enjoy living here. Good riddence to you too...

Sorry but all I got from this wall of text is:



24/7 Single Dad
not only that but some of them are jacked up on Rx, I mean speed and downers, some addcted. Its sad. I have seen a nurse smoke pot in front of me, offered me some and I refused, she was not working but still I don't think its a good idea.

:gossip: I meant that in a good way