St. Mary's Pigskin Football


Div 2 Raiders and Div3 Browns and Dolphins are supposed to be really good - so look out! Lots of returning players and move ups from last year.
Can't wait to find out.

PS.What happened to all the messages from last season?


my boy is playing for the first time this year (half div). It is so funny to watch them out there practicing. CAn't wait for opening day :getdown:


nomoney said:
my boy is playing for the first time this year (half div). It is so funny to watch them out there practicing. CAn't wait for opening day :getdown:
Every time I see the half division it makes me smile. They are having so much fun! Then they get older and it becomes serious.
I tell my kid "go out and have fun" and he does better than with all the gung ho screaming.
Take lots of pictures and enjoy the ride - it is great!


Football addict
I played for the Browns in Div I. and made it to the turkey bowl two years in a row. I also played one year for the Div. II Dolphins. Ah, those were the days.


Go Braves!
nomoney said:
my boy is playing for the first time this year (half div). It is so funny to watch them out there practicing. CAn't wait for opening day :getdown:
Note to self.........bring camera:really:


How come none ever shows up for opening day from the papers? It is full of color with the teams and the cheerleaders, banners waving. You would think they would send photographers and reporters to show that some parents don't fit the lazy, TV watching parent, whose kids get in trouble because of the "there is NOTHING to do in Southern Maryland" syndrome.


New Member
smilin said:
How come none ever shows up for opening day from the papers? It is full of color with the teams and the cheerleaders, banners waving. You would think they would send photographers and reporters to show that some parents don't fit the lazy, TV watching parent, whose kids get in trouble because of the "there is NOTHING to do in Southern Maryland" syndrome.
The newspaper has been to opening day, and the bowl games. But they do not write about it. I don't know why, but they don't.


Well-Known Member
OK, I'm ready for the red spots to come flying in but here's my two cents worth.
I have had two boys play and two girls cheer. Two years was all I could take. That group is the most muddled up, poorly run, clickish organization I have ever been involved in.
I have coached soccer, several levels of little league, been on the BOD for little league and have never seen such an inept group as the one running pigskin football.
Don Kemp should have stepped down or been removed years ago. They do not want folks involved in their little fiefdom because someone might actually have away to make things work and they would loose the control. What a joke.
The poor pigskin program is a major reason the local highschool football teams struggle.
pardon the rant.....


New Member
duke'sdad said:
OK, I'm ready for the red spots to come flying in but here's my two cents worth.
I have had two boys play and two girls cheer. Two years was all I could take. That group is the most muddled up, poorly run, clickish organization I have ever been involved in.
I have coached soccer, several levels of little league, been on the BOD for little league and have never seen such an inept group as the one running pigskin football.
Don Kemp should have stepped down or been removed years ago. They do not want folks involved in their little fiefdom because someone might actually have away to make things work and they would loose the control. What a joke.
The poor pigskin program is a major reason the local highschool football teams struggle.
pardon the rant.....
First of all without Don there would not be any football league, people talk about him stealing money and all this bs, but truth be told he puts a lot of his own money into this league. Also the reason why there is not a game schedule because we never know about the referee situation. So instead of people talking smack, get off your butt and volunteer. I am so tired of people complaining about concessions and how hard it is to manage all this stuff. Come on people it is your kids we are talking about.


New Member
I'll just start by saying that Don does a lot for the kids that people will never know about....mostly because they're too busy complaining about something or another.....and on the other hand..

I played football for 10 years, and never had any problems with Don, and then refereed for 4....and for the most part had few problems. Let's just say I quit because of Don....well, and the awful parents. Please respect the referees, they give up a lot to spend 12-13 hrs a day every Saturday////and no they won't see everything...


Msd_plumbing said:
First of all without Don there would not be any football league, people talk about him stealing money and all this bs, but truth be told he puts a lot of his own money into this league. Also the reason why there is not a game schedule because we never know about the referee situation. So instead of people talking smack, get off your butt and volunteer. I am so tired of people complaining about concessions and how hard it is to manage all this stuff. Come on people it is your kids we are talking about.
Stealing money? How can you steal money from kids? The only way I see that happening in a private, for profit league like this is not reporting income to the IRS.
I was wondering though, who won the Raffle tickets?
The refs are all paid per game - and deserve every penny they get.


New Member
smilin said:
Stealing money? How can you steal money from kids? The only way I see that happening in a private, for profit league like this is not reporting income to the IRS.
I was wondering though, who won the Raffle tickets?
The refs are all paid per game - and deserve every penny they get.
Every year there is the big thing, people getting mad and talking about Don stealing money. What I have to say to that is for those people to get off their butts go run for president, get a warehouse, put in about $20,000.00 each year out of their pockets to see who steals money. Also yes the refs are paid, but it is very hard for us to get people to come up to take the test and be refs.


New Member
To whoever who left me the message about noone would put that much of their own money in. Obviously you didn't receive the financial worksheet we got last year. If you would have, you would see that we were in the negative but yet all our bills were paid.


New Member
believe me....Don dumps a lot of his OWN money into this thing....more than I would even like to think about


The coaches are all so dedicated, I guess that's what keeps the league going. I heard people were talking about starting another league but there just doesn't seem the pool to draw from, especially since Don is putting his own money to keep his running.
BTW I DID like his comment on opening day about keeping the kids quiet.


New Member
My husband has been a coach for nine years now. We only have one child that is two years old, so we do not have a child playing. He was the one that was also fitting the kids for their equipment, and I went up there to write down the stuff for the equipment. Also we were just talking with Don about opening day and how you could not hear them anouncing the teams because of all the talking. You would think people would have more respect and quiet down for the kids. But kids are another thing it is hard to keep them still for that long. But we had one team that was dancing out there, so we had to wait for them to stop to countinue on.


Great close games! This has become a lot more fun than watching anything on TV.
The refs have been consistent on all their calls. Nobody should have any complaints about the games, but no food and couple of soft drinks at the food stand. Even when their was a discussion between the refs and coaches they were more polite than at some of the businesses I've been to!

Good Job.