Teacher Who Forced Student To Stand For Pledge Of Allegiance Placed On Administrative Leave


God bless the USA
You would have really enjoyed the 'karma' feature back in the day.

I probably would have. Oh, well. Missed it. It must have been so awesome that it explains why it is not here. anymore. Thanks for thinking of me. :smile:
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God bless the USA
I am very patriotic. I served in the military and defend this persons right not to be forced to stand. Do we think making him stand is going to make him RESPECT America? It's pointless. It's a public school. How would you like it if I forced you to stand for something you didn't want to stand for?

As I see it, if people in America cannot stand for the Pledge, or National Anthem, then why are they here? Sorry, it makes no sense to me, but that is just me. Our National Anthem was written by Key when we were defending ourselves against the British, for the second time. And, the Pledge was ratified by Congress in 1942. Is it ok with you that so many statues are being defaced? I don't get the destruction of the F S Key statue. That is bizarre. Oh wait, it is just for pure D destruction; they don't even know what they are destroying, and it doesn't meet their cause, because they don't know what their cause is. As a military member, I would think you would be outraged, but I am not you. Thanks for the reply, thanks for your service, and God bless America. :patriot:

Add: Whoever doesn't like living in America should get the hell out. Period.
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New Member
As I see it, if people in America cannot stand for the Pledge, or National Anthem, then why are they here? Sorry, it makes no sense to me, but that is just me. Our National Anthem was written by Key when we were defending ourselves against the British, for the second time. And, the Pledge was ratified by Congress in 1942. Is it ok with you that so many statues are being defaced? I don't get the destruction of the F S Key statue. That is bizarre. Oh wait, it is just for pure D destruction; they don't even know what they are destroying, and it doesn't meet their cause, because they don't know what their cause is. As a military member, I would think you would be outraged, but I am not you. Thanks for the reply, thanks for your service, and God bless America. :patriot:

Add: Whoever doesn't like living in America should get the hell out. Period.

What if I told you that it is possible to love one's country and still not want to force people to stand for the Pledge if they don't want to?