Tell me it is not true..


HIs name was Eddie Blackistone. He was a sweet person,who had a hard lot in life. And yes,he did drown at PL.

About this elderly gentleman-one thing that needs to be said is that 1. I have NEVER seen him drunk,swaying in the road,or anywhere near the flow of traffic,same as everyone else on here. 2.If he was drinking,thats none of our business-he earned that right. and 3.I would speculate that this trooper was most likely speeding as most all of them do,and his tracks are covered,so we'll never know the truth. Had it been one of us,we would be up for vehicular manslaughter. It is always possible at his age he was having a medical emergency that caused him to have deviated into the road,and if doing the speed limit the person who hit him may have been able to stop. But fortunately for them they have the law on their side. Its a shame for the victim and that is exactly what he is in this situation. I promise you if someone were in the middle of the road raving mad,and I ran them over,I would be jail right now.

I agree


#*! boat!
PREMO Member
You don't know diddly #### about what happened and I wish to hell you'd stop typing. The fact that this man didn't drink and has never been seen to walk anywhere but the shoulder before doesn't mean anything - he was 88 years old for God's sake; elderly people can get disoriented, especially when walking in the dark, in the cold.

If you've been a driver for any length of time you've probably had close calls with pedestrians. I know I have, and it didn't have anything to do with speeding, texting, etc. If a pedestrian is wearing dark clothing, it's damned hard to see them until it's almost too late.RIP Yogi, and prayers to the driver. It was an accident, no less, no more.

Exactly. In fact, I've known several, now departed, that many of us locals 'routinely missed by inches' as they walked wherever they were going, at night, in dark clothing. I've always lived in the parts of the county with 'no shoulders, only ditches".

I often stopped after passing and gave them a ride. Ole Bass H...I used to carry him home and plop him in a chair on his front porch..and he would wake up later or in the morning, a wondering how he got there. :killingme

There are few things as unpleasant as suddenly coming up behind someone walking in the roadway and swerving just in the nick of time to miss them.
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Well-Known Member
Exactly. In fact, I've known several, now departed, that many of us locals 'routinely missed by inches' as they walked wherever they were going, at night, in dark clothing. I've always lived in the parts of the county with 'no shoulders, only ditches".

I often stopped after passing and gave them a ride. Ole Bass H...I used to carry him home and plop him in a chair on his front porch..and he would wake up later or in the morning, a wondering how he got there. :killingme

There are few things as unpleasant as suddenly coming up behind someone walking in the roadway and swerving just in the nick of time to miss them.

I've talked to a few people from HVFD/RS and they do not seem to agree with the statements that Yogi was in the middle of the road or that Wes was driving the speed limit. :ohwell:


Well-Known Member
Well the road issue I can't say much on, but the speed limit however I can. Who drives the speed limit anyways? You mean to tell me you drive 45 on 235? Or that you drive 50 and below on every street around here? Where it is posted at that. Barely anyone does... Just saying

I can honestly say that I do not speed. I pay very little for car insurance and would like to keep it that way. I also tote around 3-4 kids on a daily basis.
Well the road issue I can't say much on, but the speed limit however I can. Who drives the speed limit anyways? You mean to tell me you drive 45 on 235? Or that you drive 50 and below on every street around here? Where it is posted at that. Barely anyone does... Just saying

I drive the speed limit or at least not more than 5 mph over it. Yes, I do 45 on 235 in the 45 mph zone.


New Member
I've talked to a few people from HVFD/RS and they do not seem to agree with the statements that Yogi was in the middle of the road or that Wes was driving the speed limit. :ohwell:

Is there any truth to the rumor that the same police barracks that the officer is a member of also did the accident investigation?



I hate injustice,and I hate phonies. And you know what else I hate? That a man who suffered so much fighting for you,me and everyone else,got painted in the end as the town drunk,in the middle of the road. That's bull$hit. You want to pretend to believe he suddenly leapt into the road like a gazelle,go for it. You want to not question how a person trained in automotive safety managed to hit an extremely slow moving person traveling themselves at a rate of 30-40 MPH and also somehow managed to leave marks on the road completely contrary to all of this,then do so. But don't expect everyone to roll over and take it. I am not a hateful person by any means,but I hate how this man has been killed in a pretty horrific way and no one is willing to stand up for him. He stood up for your simple minded a$$es in two wars,from what I have heard,but you are such cowards-some of you-that you can't even utter a word in his defense over the internet. Thats pretty sorry.

This man survived a lot, including a Jap prison camp, but can't survive SoMd's finest.
What surprises me the most is that this thread stayed on topic for nearly 7 pages before it went to #### and veered off course. :frown:

How soon we forgot about the death of the War Vet. :coffee:


New Member
It's only because drinking Kool Aid while also wearing a tin foil hat and barking at the moon can cause a migrain. Don't read too much in to it.

You would be disqualified as a juror based on your knowledge of and relationship with the officer involved.



#*! boat!
PREMO Member
What surprises me the most is that this thread stayed on topic for nearly 7 pages before it went to #### and veered off course. :frown:

How soon we forgot about the death of the War Vet. :coffee:

Exactly. And apparently, tend to forget the anguish/grief experienced by the individual who hit him.


New Member
Exactly. And apparently, tend to forget the anguish/grief experienced by the individual who hit him.

Let's just cut the crap. There's no such thing as an accident. Everything has a cause and effect.

Despite who feels bad a lot of us here feel as if we aren't being told all of the facts and that this thing is getting closed up way too quickly.

One thing I'm not still clear on are the questions of:

1. Is there a shoulder on the road where he was hit at? Or was he forced to walk along the so-called road's edge in that area?

If he was forced to walk along the right line on the side of the road because there was no shoulder, and he got hit with no evasive action and no oncoming traffic that prevented the officer from swerving, then I consider that as inattentive driving and negligence.

Have a nice day.



New Member
Exactly. And apparently, tend to forget the anguish/grief experienced by the individual who hit him.

Let someone hit your family member and tell me you would be worried about their grief,and you would allow it to be done and over with so quickly in terms of investigation.
Ultimately,you all might not like me or my way of coming across,but I got people thinking,and cast doubt as to how this really happened,so whether you tell me you agree or I'm a jerk doesn't really matter.


New Member
And to say "how quickly we forget about the death of a war vet"?!?!? Please...only the a$$ kissing Gilligan doesn't care about that. I've been taking heat from everyone-almost-on this board,and speaking up for the person in all this who cannot. What have you done? Been a mouthpiece for the officer.