The Climate Kid


Well-Known Member
He wasn't. Might have rephrased it, but there was NOTHING wrong in what he said.

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The sad thing is this kid is going to kill herself before she is 20 and its going to be the fault of whoever the last person was to upset her. From what I have seen, she is not doing well, and I doubt it is global warming doing that.


Up. Identified. Lase. Fire. On the way.
The sad thing is this kid is going to kill herself before she is 20 and its going to be the fault of whoever the last person was to upset her. From what I have seen, she is not doing well, and I doubt it is global warming doing that.
It's an aggregate. Her parents are child abusers, her political advisers are child abusers, the twitterati (and other social media notables) are enabling (if not encouraging) child abuse.

That she has Asperger's (old term now included - against many Asperger people's and their families' wishes - into autism spectrum disorder) doesn't make her mentally ill. But she suffers from a number of other issues that do place her in that category. Knowles opened up an avenue for others to deflect away from criticisms of child abuse by using that phraseology. Hence, why I said he might have rephrased it.

But don't let the deflections cause hunt down a rabbit trail. This "use" of the young lady is tragic and criminal (if not actually, certainly metaphorically). Whether you buy into "climate change" or not (in either case, to any degree) we should all agree that this "Greta thing" is appalling.

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PREMO Member
Wondering where her parents are and why they are allowing their daughter to be exploited?

Grandpa was a Director and Actor
Dad was a Director and and Actor
MOM was a world class Opera Singer

it is all stage and theatrics

The Better Question;

What does it say for the FACTS in your Movement when you have to exploit a child with an emotional appeal


PREMO Member
Critics Lambast Melodramatic Greta Thunberg Speech As ‘Child Abuse’

Federalist editor David Harsanyi tweeted: "The idea that they can use a kid as a political shield, give her immense coverage, and then no [one] is allowed to talk about the substance of her arguments because she is a kid ... is just silly. It's the same with the gun-control kid. He says tons of ridiculous things that are then amplified by media. Yet, people get mad when you point it out. Hey, don't use kids for your political causes. I hate when either side does it."

Human Events managing editor Ian Miles Cheong tweeted: "Am I a bad person for thinking children shouldn't be used as political props like Greta Thunberg?"

Federalist co-founder Ben Domenech tweeted: "We need to have a national conversation about the rising problem of arrogant teenage Swedes."

Republican strategist Chris Barron tweeted: "This is straight up child abuse. I hope the left is proud of the way it treats everyone and everything as disposable pawns in their game for political power."


PREMO Member


You gotta admit it's a sound strategy with good optics:

Democrats (to flavor of the month child): Say "X"
FOTM Child: "X"
Republicans: Disagrees with X
Democrats: ZOMFGGGG -- YOU are ATTACKING CHILDREN!!!!!1!!11!!!!!one!!!


Doris Day meets Lady Gaga
While I concur - in the main - with @Hijinx's post, Greta isn't insane. Yes, she has mental health challenges, but insanity isn't one of them.

As far as the "public aspect" of this story goes, the most disturbing aspect to a very disturbing story is that this young lady has Asperger's. There was an excellent thread on Twitter yesterday that outlined in very clear terms why what her parents are doing in putting Greta on the world stage is nothing short of CHILD ABUSE. (If I can find it again, I'll post the link. It does an excellent job of showing - from a mental health standpoint - why the "use" of this young lady is so disturbing and so unhealthy.)

People who are on the autism spectrum cannot deal with nuance. And they are hyper-literal. To tell Greta that the world is ending due to climate change rings unequivocally real to her. And folks wonder why she also suffers from depression and anxiety...?

C.H.I.L.D. A.B.U.S.E.

That people are applauding her "public life" is appalling.

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You are so very right! I overlooked the part where she has Asperger's. The parents are really sick and twisted.

I've talked about my son on the forums many times. He is not on the autism spectrum, but he does share some of those same characteristics with his particular disability. He is a self-advocate and is very active in a group of individuals with disabilities who participate in self advocacy. On a county, state & national level. HE doesn't behave in that manner. He gets passionate about issues, but he doesn't act out like that.

He's an adult, not a child, but the key word is SELF advocate. He participates in all kinds of events and causes that are HIS and his peers -they're not necessarily not mine. I don't need to be involved in (all of) his causes. Conversely, I have some real issues with the delivery of the services he receives with a local DDA provider agency. I have to be very careful that I don't over-step where I shouldn't in MY role as an advocate for him. I don't make MY causes HIS causes by stressing him with all sorts accusations at the agency, expressing dissatisfaction with staff, etc. If I were to do that, it would unfairly jack him up and get him stressed out and that always leads to an inability to reign in that high anxiety.

Her parents should be locked up. :burning: