This Is No Longer Funny


USMC 1983-1995
I try to get fresh local when I can but other than that I almost always by frozen produce because it is FRESH and RIPE when it's picked (they have organic available too). I also check to see where it's from, it may be packaged in the US but could be from Mexico, China or someplace else I'd rather not get food from. That way I know it's not picked too soon or frozen and thawed on some train or truck. I also always look for the price per oz on the price ticket (btw- that has to be the 'dry' weight by law). You'd be suprised at how much cheaper the SMALLER versions are.
I will pay more for American products just because I refuse to support any more Mexicans than I have too and absolutely refuse to buy anything from CHINA!


I hate that they advertise canned vegetables on sale for 10 for $10. A can of green beans shouldn't cost $1.