Trump Announces His Run For POTUS


Doris Day meets Lady Gaga
How many of us believe if our ideal candidate won they'd be able to do most, or even some, of what they say that appeals to you?

Trump used bankruptcy protection to fix messes in the past and I am a BIG believer we need to write off ENORMOUS amounts of debt to fix the economy. I wonder if he sees that, agrees, would mean to do it and how?

To me, the simplest thing in the world is to allow folks who have to eat the write offs to be able to loan new money at 7%

Well, that's very interesting. :yay:


Doris Day meets Lady Gaga
I suppose we will wait and see what he does this time.
I wonder how he will finance his candidacy?
Will he finance himself or have fund raisers.
I wonder how many will send money to a Billionaire to finance him?
I wonder how much he is willing to spend?

It's wait and see I suppose, but if I wee a betting man I would be putting my money on him dropping out.

He may well drop out - that remains to be seen. But, so what? Many of the candidates will.

Not sure he needs financing. From what I've heard him say a few times in the last two day, he has his own money and really doesn't need anyone else's.

I think it's just interesting to have so many candidates in the running and to be able to vet them all out.


Doris Day meets Lady Gaga

The thing is Neil Young doesn't get to authorize someone to use a song, just because "it's his". People pay royalties to use a song, and I doubt the checks are written right to the song's owner.

And guess what? It seems that Trump's campaign DID pay to use that song.

Through a licensing agreement with ASCAP, Mr. Trump’s campaign paid for and obtained the legal right to use Neil Young’s recording of ‘Rockin' In The Free World,'" Trump's Campaign Manager Corey Lewandowski told us. "Nevertheless, there are plenty of other songs to choose from. Despite Neil’s differing political views, Mr. Trump likes him very much.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
The thing is Neil Young doesn't get to authorize someone to use a song, just because "it's his". People pay royalties to use a song, and I doubt the checks are written right to the song's owner.

And guess what? It seems that Trump's campaign DID pay to use that song.

That shouldn't stop Young from objecting. That doesn't mean Trump can't use it. Just means Young can still say 'I don't endorse him.' and he should be allowed to say that because by using it it certainly implies that he does endorse him.


Doris Day meets Lady Gaga
That shouldn't stop Young from objecting. That doesn't mean Trump can't use it. Just means Young can still say 'I don't endorse him.' and he should be allowed to say that because by using it it certainly implies that he does endorse him.

Of course. But that's not the same as him saying that Trump wasn't authorized, because he was legally authorized. Neil Young should have said "I don't endorse him".


Well-Known Member
Why would it be interesting?
Because his camp is adamantly denying it. Is this another case where absolute lies are being spoken against him, like the slew of legal attacks on Palin that were uniformly dismissed because they fear a plain talking politician? Or, is it true, demonstrating he really is as phony as HRC when it comes to crowds?

Larry Gude

Strung Out
Because his camp is adamantly denying it. Is this another case where absolute lies are being spoken against him, like the slew of legal attacks on Palin that were uniformly dismissed because they fear a plain talking politician? Or, is it true, demonstrating he really is as phony as HRC when it comes to crowds?

Right, but it is Trump. I'd believe it in a second and think 'figures'. I mean, we already know pols pack their crowds. It will only make sense that The Donald would take the efficient route and pay people to be there AND be supportive. There is NOTHING more phony in the world than the cheering that goes on at political rallies. The illusion is that everyone is emotionally undone with joy over their guy or gal yet the reality is they all are invested in one way or another and need to be there for that investment; it's just business. It is one of the more inane rituals will try to convince ourselves is real. Amazingly undignified.


Happy Creepy Ass Cracka
He may well drop out - that remains to be seen. But, so what? Many of the candidates will.

Not sure he needs financing. From what I've heard him say a few times in the last two day, he has his own money and really doesn't need anyone else's.

I think it's just interesting to have so many candidates in the running and to be able to vet them all out.

Plus, if Oprah joins his ticket, they'll have about a hundert billion$ between 'em.


Doris Day meets Lady Gaga

I like him, I don't know why and I've said that (here on the forums, too) before. I've just always liked him - yes, he is very egotistical. Who cares, so what? He is a very likeable man -I've watched him for years on the FNC, and he is just a likeable guy who speaks his mind and tells people just like it is AND he can back it up.

I know one thing, he has a LOT of good ideas, I think he is a man with conviction, he is not going to cowtow to "big money", because he really doesn't have to! :lol:

He gets results in business. He is a VERY successful businessman - okay - maybe his money was inherited, but he has made that money work. 10 times over, probably. He says he will be the biggest JOBS President this country has ever seen - and I believe him because he has a track record to check out. HE MAKES things happen. That is what successful people do. They can organize, prioritize, manage and bring in all that needs to be brought in order to make the job work, or to get things done.

He thinks Obamacare sucks and needs to be repealed. I like that, too.

I think he will make the debates. The rest of the candidates will need to bring their A Game, because Trump will. He is a man with a big ego, but he is a very smart man and he can bring it.

He has very nice kids who are running his companies. They are not spoiled, wealthy, brats who live off their father's money. They are all very nice, well-mannered and not dog-eat-dog human beings. I like that, too.

Will he get the nomination? Dunno. But I could vote for him.

OH, and it looks like Juan Williams was going to pee in his pants about Trump. He was literally sputtering when he was trying to get his words out on The Five (FNC) a few minutes ago. If Juan and all the other Libbies hate Trump - all the more reason to take a realllly good look at him. :biggrin:

So, I'm gonna gloat a little bit. :getdown:

I started this tread almost a year ago and NOT MANY people thought Trump was in it to win it.

I was not sure he would get the nomination back then, but I still think the same things I said in this post and I DID vote for him in the Maryland Primary. And it felt good to be able to cast that vote for someone I believed in - not someone who was the lesser of the weevils. :yay: