U.S. Deficit Shrinking At Fastest Pace Since WWII


Well-Known Member
Funny thing about all that "cost of Bush's wars" crap...

It makes absolutely zero sense - you do not pay for something by buying a lot of something else.

How does four years of trillion dollar debts pay down - debt?

How do you "pay" for tax cuts that went on for almost eight years - and they did not result in obscenely high deficits - but the moment Obama takes office, they suddenly do?

Blaming Bush for the current deficits is like observing that Daddy wasted money on sports cars and gambling, so Mommy "fixes" it by buying twice as much jewelry, clothes and travel?

Seriously, it's the stupidest response anyone can concoct.


New Member
Well, when you pay the MasterCard bill with your Visa card, then you can say "Look, we have no debt ...on the MasterCard".

Exactly! :yay:

And, in this case, China appears to be the "Visa card" to help our poor country "shrink our deficit"... :whistle:

Ancient words of Wisdom:
The rich rules over the poor,
And the borrower is servant to the lender.
(Proverbs 22:7)
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