Ukraine / Russia - Actions and Reactions


#*! boat!
PREMO Member
For your consideration ...

YES, there is a reason not to admit Ukraine. Unless the membership rules are violated, Ukraine cannot at this time become a member due to the current and ongoing conflict. Since the rules state that a State cannot be allow membership while a conflict is underway within that State.

In other words, alliances, assurances, must be made during a period of peace and well prior to any conflicts.

I don't believe any NATO members in their right minds would vote for Ukraine membership anyways, considering what is happening now. They'd be fools to do such a thing since the majority of those member States are just a rocket launch away from Moscow. They do not want to be dragged into a long prolonged death and destruction quagmire in which they had no hand in.
I'd bet that a lot of the border states have a different take on that.


#*! boat!
PREMO Member
For your consideration ...

Possible. But is that different take from coercion from the US and NATO, or because of their own determinations?
I double guarantee you that Finland and Sweden are completely "immune" to any western pressure to join. Can't say the same for some of the other smaller states...but my daughter-the-spook keeps close tabs on those....thats where she works.


PREMO Member
🔥 Back in 2014, Condoleeza Rice was being interviewed about the then-conflict in Ukraine, and in her mild, sweet voice, suggested regretfully that the key to solving Ukraine was much, much tougher sanctions on Russia, no matter the cost, with a you-can’t-make-an-omelet-without-breaking-a-few-eggs sort of tone:

… we need to have tougher sanctions [on Russia]. And I’m afraid at some point, this is going to probably have to involve involve oil and gas. The Russian economy is vulnerable. Eighty percent of Russian exports are in oil, gas, and minerals. People say, well, the Europeans will run out of energy. Well, the Russians will run out of cash before the Europeans run out of energy. And I understand that it’s uncomfortable…

Over the long run, you simply want to change the structure of energy independence. You want [Europe] to depend more on the North American energy platform of oil and gas that we’re finding in North America. You want to have pipelines that don’t go through Ukraine and Russia. For years, we’ve tried to get the Europeans to be interested in different pipeline routes.

It’s time to do that.

Huh. Rice’s plan sounds EXACTLY like what’s happening now. SO weird. It almost sounds like it’s a State Department plan that came off a top-secret shelf somewhere, and I don’t mean Mar-a-Lago. A “Use In Case Of Ukraine Conflict” kind of plan.

If they ARE following the plan, they totally mucked it up. They gave Putin too much time before they blew up the pipelines, time to coordinate replacement customers for his European energy products. If the deep state did plan to blow up the pipelines, they should’ve done it to start with, when it would’ve made a difference.

Anyway, in the clip, Rice referred to a meeting between President Obama and Angela Merkel in Washington. I think I found it, in a telling article from the World Socialist Website:

The article starts out complaining about Obama’s meddling in Ukraine, and noting all his problems working with the German Chancellor, mostly because Edward Snowden just leaked that the NSA had been spying on her. In language that would be familiar to all of us, the article described nazi forces (real ones) brutally attacking Eastern Ukrainians living in pro-Russian areas, and speculated that the U.S. was encouraging or even directing the violence. It even complains about Victoria Nuland.

Remember, this article is from 2014. Not yesterday.

It was all so eerily familiar. But I was really gobsmacked when I reached these prophetic paragraphs from the 2014 article:

What are Washington’s aims? It would appear that the US has decided to deliberately escalate tensions with the aim of drawing Russia into an invasion of eastern Ukraine, thereby creating the conditions for roping Western Europe into draconian sanctions and even war. …The US is intent on drawing Putin into an intervention in Ukraine, a former Soviet republic on Russia’s border, to protect pro-Russian protesters against the violence of the state. This will then be used by Washington to justify an escalation of economic warfare and military deployments against Russia, potentially igniting a nuclear Third World War.

If you listened to corporate media, you would think that Vladimir Putin cooked up the invasion of eastern Ukraine in February of this year, without any provocation or warning at all. Dumb reporters.

I know, it’s the World Socialists. Forget about the source. At best, the World Socialists are kooks. At worst, the website is a fake, a Russian cyber-military propaganda farm. I might even lean toward the latter, given the article’s overheated rhetoric. Whatever the truth about that is, the article still clearly predicted exactly where things were headed. It just took until 2022 to get there.

In other words, it sure looks like the Ukraine war has been marinating in the State Department’s deep state pressure cooker, for years, in a cunning covert operation spanning multiple administrations. If you don’t agree, point to where we did anything to relieve tensions and head off the war. I think you’ll find that our government did the reverse opposite of that.

I can speculate with the best of them, but it’s true that I have no actual idea what dark plans echo down Washington’s marble corridors of power. So my interest in this story is confined, once again, to marveling over our utterly useless and beyond-pathetic media. Why do non-journalists have to do all the heavy-lifting connecting the dots? Why, for Pete’s sake, isn’t anyone in the media asking our government actors the obvious questions?

In the movies from the 70’s, 80’s, and 90’s featuring plucky heroes chased around by out-of-control government agencies, there’s a reason the happy ending was always when the good guys — at the last second — delivered evidence of the massive illegal government operation to A JOURNALIST AT A MAJOR NEWSPAPER. It was an homage, of sorts, to Watergate and the Pentagon Papers. But these movies all ended the same way for a really good plot reason: because it was the only believable way for ordinary citizens to beat an out-of-control government.

In other words, it was common knowledge that the media held the government in check. So what happens when the media stops doing its job?



#*! boat!
PREMO Member

What are Washington’s aims? It would appear that the US has decided to deliberately escalate tensions with the aim of drawing Russia into an invasion of eastern Ukraine, thereby creating the conditions for roping Western Europe into draconian sanctions and even war. …The US is intent on drawing Putin into an intervention in Ukraine, a former Soviet republic on Russia’s border, to protect pro-Russian protesters against the violence of the state. This will then be used by Washington to justify an escalation of economic warfare and military deployments against Russia, potentially igniting a nuclear Third World War.​



Well-Known Member
In the movies from the 70’s, 80’s, and 90’s featuring plucky heroes chased around by out-of-control government agencies, there’s a reason the happy ending was always when the good guys — at the last second — delivered evidence of the massive illegal government operation to A JOURNALIST AT A MAJOR NEWSPAPER. It was an homage, of sorts, to Watergate and the Pentagon Papers. But these movies all ended the same way for a really good plot reason: because it was the only believable way for ordinary citizens to beat an out-of-control government.

In other words, it was common knowledge that the media held the government in check. So what happens when the media stops doing its job?

Yeah, I never believed that crap - the most ridiculous one was "Three Days of the Condor" where he threatens the CIA with publishing their deeds in the NYT. Like that would yield ANYTHING.

It's clear that giving stuff to the press is only damning if it is salacious and juicy. Scandalous and illegal doesn't move anything.


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PREMO Member

Poland Requests US NUKES, Ukraine Begins Evacuation Prep For Russian Nuclear Strike, This May Be WW3​



PREMO Member

UKRAINE WAR: It Won't Be Won on the Battlefield

Russia’s Ukraine War might not be won or lost on the battlefield but in the backrooms of the Kremlin and maybe even the streets of Moscow.

That’s an odd conclusion to draw, I’ll admit, given Ukraine’s battlefield wins that we’ve all witnessed these last few weeks — and probably even bigger victories to come.

I privately joked with one of my online military buddies this week that by the time both sides come to the peace table, they might be arguing over who gets to keep border cities like Belgorod — on the Russian side of the border.

Ukraine’s progress since July 3 has had observers recognizing that young country’s evolving combat capabilities:

  • June: Maybe Kyiv can stop Russia at the Donbas.
  • August: Maybe Kyiv can win back some lands, but never Crimea.
  • October: Maybe Moscow can’t even stop them at Crimea.
The crowd-sourced mappers at MilitaryLand don’t publish anything they can’t confirm, and here’s the key bullet point from yesterday’s report:

Ukrainian forces maintain steady progress and liberated another bunch of settlements in Kherson, Kharkiv and also Luhansk Oblast. Ukrainians also continue to successfully defend the remaining parts of frontline and don’t allow Russians to advance and capture new positions.


PREMO Member
Since the start of the Ukraine war I have held two beliefs simultaneously: 1) Putin is entirely in the wrong and deserves whatever awful things happen to him; and 2) we should do just about anything we can to avoid getting us all blown up.

Preferably we can square the circle: have Putin lose badly while also finding him an off-ramp so that he can retreat without losing too much face. That is a tough nut to crack, and I can understand why even the smartest minds are having trouble cracking it. Biden surely hasn’t:

“I don’t think there is any such a thing as the ability to easily use a tactical nuclear weapon and not end up with Armageddon,” Biden said.
He added that he was still “trying to figure” out Putin’s “off-ramp” in Ukraine.
“Where does he find a way out?” Biden asked. “Where does he find himself in a position that he does not only lose face but lose significant power within Russia?”

Unfortunately nobody in the Biden Administration is remotely intelligent, so the best we can hope for is some kind of solution where we come out alive. And Joe Biden is blowing it, even with such a low bar to clear.

Biden is not wrong about the danger we face. The more successful Ukraine is in pushing the Russians back, the more backed into a corner the Putin regime is, and hence the more likely they are to reach for their nuclear trump card. And many of our allies seem just fine with that. In fact, our ally President Zelensky is so fine with it that he is suggesting we strike first–something that would be tantamount to starting WWIII.



Visualize whirled peas
PREMO Member
I’m going to agree with this. Putin is definitely in the wrong, but Ukraine is definitely not the country that the media is selling. The leadership in that country is as bad as any other on the face of the earth. You can’t hep but back them due to the circumstances, but when Putin leaves it’s going to go back to the same old thing with the addition of a lot of our weapons are going to be in the hands of the bad guys.


PREMO Member
🔥 Yesterday I told you that Europe was suffering from the U.S.’s interest rate increases, which were really aimed at China and Russia, and the EU is just collateral damage. Apparently I wasn’t the only one. Yesterday, French Finance Minister Bruno Le Maire told the assembly that “The conflict in Ukraine must not result in US economic domination and a weakening of the EU.”

Bruno also complained about the sky-high price of American natural gas. Too bad for Europe those Nordstream pipelines suddenly and unexpectedly blew up. Good for America, though.

yeah about that pipeline


Well-Known Member
The democrats turned to the media to help their candidate and they happily obliged. The candidate screwed it up. If Fetterman wins he won't be long for the office if his health doesn't improve. The governor will just replace him with another democrat.


Well-Known Member
"Extremely based report from OAN's Pearson Sharp on the Ukraine War."

Manufactured War
George Soros
Puppet Zelensky
Ukraine Child trafficking
Border for Ukraine not US
Tax payer money laundering

"This is a smoke and mirrors campaign coordinated with the corporate media to cover up the greatest scam in the history of our nation, maybe the history of the world.
But don't ask any questions.
Just wave your flag for Ukraine."

Pearson Sharp on the Ukraine War. For video click on link. It's a goodie.
