VA tech


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Nucklesack said:
The (almost) EXACT thing happened in Virginia 5 years ago
I consider once every 5 years to be "rare".

I'd go for repealing gun laws. It's just making MORE laws that I'm against.


Pandora said:
I read the plays last night that he wrote, both contained accusations of male/male sexual behavior and they were not (IMO) as graphic as the press made them out to be but they were strange. It made me wonder what the assignment criteria for the play entailed. :twitch:

Anyone else read them?

You read them? Where did you go to read them? Do you have a linky?


wandering aimlessly
vraiblonde said:
Well, nobody's talking about Imus anymore.
Yesterday Don and Mike brought up that it was interesting that public figures that denounced Imus and wanted the airwaves cleaned up etc (in their words, inhibiting free speech and the 1st amendment) were the same ones that were pro 2nd amendment (don't touch my guns!!) On Monday Don said he bet Imus was wishing that - if the tragedy had to happen - it had happened last week.
I've listened to D&M for years and never realized that they were so passionately anti gun.


bresamil said:
I've listened to D&M for years and never realized that they were so passionately anti gun.

Don, Mike and Buzz, all three, have always been left-wing liberal crazy men. I love them to death, but I hate when they start talking about politics. And I can't even listen to Buzz's newscast any more. He doesn't even pretend to hide his bias.


wandering aimlessly
Toxick said:
Don, Mike and Buzz, all three, have always been left-wing liberal crazy men. I love them to death, but I hate when they start talking about politics. And I can't even listen to Buzz's newscast any more. He doesn't even pretend to hide his bias.
I guess I never heard them talk politics. Normally its how stupid they were when drunk or Frieda stories or well, mainly, their personal lives. They've always played off each other well.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
bresamil said:
Yesterday Don and Mike brought up that it was interesting that public figures that denounced Imus and wanted the airwaves cleaned up etc (in their words, inhibiting free speech and the 1st amendment) were the same ones that were pro 2nd amendment (don't touch my guns!!)
I don't see what one thing has to do with the other. *Having* a right, and using it irresponsibly are two different things.


Asperger's Poster Child
Toxick said:
Don, Mike and Buzz, all three, have always been left-wing liberal crazy men. I love them to death, but I hate when they start talking about politics. And I can't even listen to Buzz's newscast any more. He doesn't even pretend to hide his bias.

Most of the radio talkers in that genre are fairly liberal on most social issues, with the exception of affirmative action - they bash Jackson and Sharpton almost as much as the conservative talkers. I've noticed that Don & Mike can gay jokes without being homophobic - they don't mean anything by it when they read Craig Wilson's column with a lisp or when they joke about Clay Aiken supposedly being in the closet.


wandering aimlessly
vraiblonde said:
I don't see what one thing has to do with the other. *Having* a right, and using it irresponsibly are two different things.
From what I gathered they felt folks were being pick and choose. And if anyone argued with them they cut them off. Childish really. I had to laugh though because on this board the pro-gun folks were saying the whole Imus thing was overblown. Of course we aren't the politicos they were referring to.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
Not all of us...

bresamil said:
From what I gathered they felt folks were being pick and choose. And if anyone argued with them they cut them off. Childish really. I had to laugh though because on this board the pro-gun folks were saying the whole Imus thing was overblown. Of course we aren't the politicos they were referring to.

...Imus crossed the line and deserved what he got. He's earned it.


Thought this was an interesting take on the situation:

More blaming the victim.Conservative Nathaniel Blake at Human Events Online links positively to John Derbyshire’s post, then writes that the students at Virginia Tech should feel “heartily ashamed” for not acting more bravely:

College classrooms have scads of young men who are at their physical peak, and none of them seems to have done anything beyond ducking, running, and holding doors shut. Meanwhile, an old man hurled his body at the shooter to save others.

Something is clearly wrong with the men in our culture. Among the first rules of manliness are fighting bad guys and protecting others: in a word, courage. And not a one of the healthy young fellows in the classrooms seems to have done that. …

Like Derb, I don’t know if I would live up to this myself, but I know that I should be heartily ashamed of myself if I didn’t. Am I noble, courageous and self-sacrificing? I don’t know; but I should hope to be so when necessary.

Larry Gude

Strung Out

migtig said:

I thought all states had a cooling off period and full background check. VA does not. You can walk in off the street with a driver's license for the state of VA, and as long as there are no flags on it, you can walk out with a new handgun.

...if we are told we need all manner of gun laws or we'll have chaos then how is it possible that people in VA are not mowing each other down on a daily basis, by the hundreds or even thousands?? Why is this one incident at Tech such a rare occurance if liberal gun laws will lead us to some wild, wild West shooting gallery?

Anyone wanna answer that?

In the mean time, how many gun crimes happened in NYC or DC or Baltimore in the last few days?


I bowl overhand
Benjismom said:
Thought this was an interesting take on the situation:

More blaming the victim.Conservative Nathaniel Blake at Human Events Online links positively to John Derbyshire’s post, then writes that the students at Virginia Tech should feel “heartily ashamed” for not acting more bravely:

College classrooms have scads of young men who are at their physical peak, and none of them seems to have done anything beyond ducking, running, and holding doors shut. Meanwhile, an old man hurled his body at the shooter to save others.

Something is clearly wrong with the men in our culture. Among the first rules of manliness are fighting bad guys and protecting others: in a word, courage. And not a one of the healthy young fellows in the classrooms seems to have done that. …

Like Derb, I don’t know if I would live up to this myself, but I know that I should be heartily ashamed of myself if I didn’t. Am I noble, courageous and self-sacrificing? I don’t know; but I should hope to be so when necessary.
Hard to say how anyone would react underfire, but if 5 people rushed him when he first started firing, MAYBE two of them would be dead and the shooter captured.. now it's likely all five of them are dead.

This a basice tenant in infantry school.. always rush the shooter/ sniper/ ambush. You'll take fewer losses attacking the shooter(s) than sitting there waiting or trying to run.

It takes big cajones to tackle a shooter when you are unarmed, but if there is nobody else there that is armed what choice do you have?


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Benjismom said:
then writes that the students at Virginia Tech should feel “heartily ashamed” for not acting more bravely:
They had a kid on TV yesterday and the reporter was basically badgering him about the same thing. "WHY didn't you fight back??? So you just cowered behind a desk???"

I felt like slapping her. Or start spraying bullets at her and see how brave she is then.

Larry Gude

Strung Out

itsbob said:
Hard to say how anyone would react underfire, but if 5 people rushed him when he first started firing, MAYBE two of them would be dead and the shooter captured.. now it's likely all five of them are dead.

This a basice tenant in infantry school.. always rush the shooter/ sniper/ ambush. You'll take fewer losses attacking the shooter(s) than sitting there waiting or trying to run.

It takes big cajones to tackle a shooter when you are unarmed, but if there is nobody else there that is armed what choice do you have?

...and we're talking about college kids who grew up in a culture that teaches them to be deathly afraid of guns. And as I said somewhere else in these threads, until it happens, you don't know if you will fight or flight or freeze.

And that goes for typically trained soldiers too; until they've been in battle and the man next to you goes down in a bloody heap, you just don't know what you will do until that moment of truth arrives. And some college kids are supposed to react like a well drilled counter assault team?

Think about it; Every single one of these kids know all about 9/11...and they did not counter attack, even as those around them got shot. So, for all you who just know you would never let some hijacker take advantage of you, do you actually know your fight or flight wiring? Do you know you could overcome your fears and fight for your life?


Just a forgiven sinner
PREMO Member
migtig said:

I thought all states had a cooling off period and full background check. VA does not. You can walk in off the street with a driver's license for the state of VA, and as long as there are no flags on it, you can walk out with a new handgun.
The Federal waiting period still applies.

You really need a better source for gun laws than the Brady Campaign which will obviously slant everything toward their total ban of all guns for everyone but government.


Just a forgiven sinner
PREMO Member
itsbob said:
Hard to say how anyone would react underfire, but if 5 people rushed him when he first started firing, MAYBE two of them would be dead and the shooter captured.. now it's likely all five of them are dead.

This a basice tenant in infantry school.. always rush the shooter/ sniper/ ambush. You'll take fewer losses attacking the shooter(s) than sitting there waiting or trying to run.

It takes big cajones to tackle a shooter when you are unarmed, but if there is nobody else there that is armed what choice do you have?
From sniper school - Don't run. You will only die tired.


I bowl overhand
Larry Gude said:
...and we're talking about college kids who grew up in a culture that teaches them to be deathly afraid of guns. And as I said somewhere else in these threads, until it happens, you don't know if you will fight or flight or freeze.

And that goes for typically trained soldiers too; until they've been in battle and the man next to you goes down in a bloody heap, you just don't know what you will do until that moment of truth arrives. And some college kids are supposed to react like a well drilled counter assault team?

Think about it; Every single one of these kids know all about 9/11...and they did not counter attack, even as those around them got shot. So, for all you who just know you would never let some hijacker take advantage of you, do you actually know your fight or flight wiring? Do you know you could overcome your fears and fight for your life?
That's why I prefaced my post with "Hard to say how anyone is going to react under fire"..