Well, I will say one thing


mv = margaritaville
I like it best when a thread doesn't go a persons way so they start another to say "Ah just kidding, got you" or "please I was laughing at you guys the whole time"

Yes dear we are sure you were


Material Girl
PREMO Member
I like it best when a thread doesn't go a persons way so they start another to say "Ah just kidding, got you" or "please I was laughing at you guys the whole time"

Yes dear we are sure you were

and then really turn the knife and call us "SMIBs" :bawl:
I was told by a long time forum member that you just don't say you are leaving. :nono: I said that a month ago during another incident, and, I am still here. You know why? Because I love this forum. I have had my share of "abuse" on here, but, I came to realize, I brought it on myself. Another forum member told me that the members on here, especially long term members, consider it a community. Newbies do not understand that at all at first. Once you get to know the members, different personalities, etc., you find out they are a great group of people, and mean no harm. Most of it is teasing, etc., but newbies do not understand that. This is the first forum I have ever been a member of, and I am 50 something. I am glad I found Somd forum. Wanted to share my experience with you. :smile:

:bawl: That was beautiful. :huggy:


Yae warsh wif' wutr
dammit say sumthin like, cut 2 the chase. have U 4gotten so soon?? Hey girl, (that`s how Lance would say it) U do know what CRS is, dontcha? it`s not bad.

Can`t Remember Stuff. c, not a bad word.

Hey your post count has gone down from 5 to 4 to 2. I keep track you know....keeps me informed of how busy you've been lately :lol:

edit: whoops...now 3.....


Yae warsh wif' wutr
Hey Lance,

Would you mind spearheading an acronym list for all us un-informed peoples?

I got tripped up yesterday. DKP tripped me up with S/N.....
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