What Authority Does Congress Really Possess


PREMO Member
What do you want to say about the weaponization of government as Trump sits in that courtroom hearing from a porn star all day long?” Bartiromo asked.

Responding to Bartiromo’s pressing questions about the weaponization of government, Rep. Fry defended his and the committee’s actions, citing recent hearings on free speech and censorship by the Biden regime.

However, Bartiromo was not convinced and blasted Fry: “That’s all fine and good, Congressman, but why aren’t you being louder about this? Why aren’t I hearing anything from this committee? I had to just ask you about it.”

“Just let me be clear. Viewers are sick and tired of hearings. They’re sick and tired of letters. They’re sick and tired of hearing complaints. They want action. President Trump is in a trial all day long, every day in New York City. Where is this committee on weaponization and what are you doing about it? I just spoke with Kevin Hassett, the former chairman of the White House Economics Council, and he said, make no mistake, if we see President Trump go to jail because he violated a gag order, markets will react,” Bartiromo added.

She continued with her criticism saying, “Congressman, we’re losing the country. With all due respect, I’m not blaming you specifically, but it’s not enough to set up a committee called the Weaponization of Federal Government. That’s not doing it for anybody. We want to hear more from you. We want action. We want to know what the heck is going on in this New York trial where nobody can seem to come up with a crime.”

What POWER or Authority does Congress Really Have ?

The only item that comes to mind is the power of the purse, sure Republican's are able to subpoena democrats and demand testimony, but what Does Congress really have the authority to do,

Send information to the DOJ if someone Lies to Congress for further investigation if perjury ?

Pass NEW Laws in an attempt to stop the collusion or Big Tech / Gov Officials - censoring free speech, pass laws to restrict the POWER of Public Health Departments [ seems like a states rights issue ]


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Maria is a bully-killer trying to convince moral cowards to stand up as well, and they are having none of it. They're that posse I referred to in another thread.

Maria: What are you doing about this??
Coward: Oh, I'm forming a committee and writing a strongly worded letter! :nerd:

Republicans are so part of the problem I can't even express how repulsive I find them.


Well-Known Member
It's not only the Republican cowards in the Congress it is the Supreme Court.
We are ruled by a Commander in Chief that is totally and publicly incapable of performing the duties of the Presidency.
We have people still in jail with no trial, We have open borders we have the laws being used against a candidate for the Presidency.
What is the Supreme Court doing. Some may say it hasn't come before the court. But don't the Supremes watch the news? Don't they read the papers? Don't they see that the courts are being used?

The very system that they are the supreme judges of is being corrupted before their eyes and they sit on their asses and do nothing to stop the abuse.


Well-Known Member
Maria is a bully-killer trying to convince moral cowards to stand up as well, and they are having none of it. They're that posse I referred to in another thread.

Maria: What are you doing about this??
Coward: Oh, I'm forming a committee and writing a strongly worded letter! :nerd:

Republicans are so part of the problem I can't even express how repulsive I find them.
I'm using that. I'm changing what I call them (Republican'ts) to Repulsivecrats.

The Demonrats and the Repulsivecrats; both bought and paid for by the CCP, the USSR (and, if you believe some people, the Zionists).

Thanks, Vrai!

They should write a strongly-worded hashtag. Wait, that was FLOTUS. She had the time. This one is worrying about whether or not Bernie is going to make it to the election.



Well-Known Member
Maria is a bully-killer trying to convince moral cowards to stand up as well, and they are having none of it. They're that posse I referred to in another thread.

Maria: What are you doing about this??
Coward: Oh, I'm forming a committee and writing a strongly worded letter! :nerd:

Republicans are so part of the problem I can't even express how repulsive I find them.
They're taking notes for what to do the next time they are in charge, not looking for ways to lock the door after the Ds already threw Trump out of it.