Where is South Carolina's governor?


Habari Na Mijeldi
Exclusive: E-mails between Sanford, woman

"From Gov. Sanford,
Date: Thursday, July 10, 2008, 12:24 a.m.

“One, tomorrow leave at 5 a.m. for New York and meetings. Will think about you on its streets and wish I was going to be there later in the month when you are there. Tomorrow night back to Philadelphia for the start of the National Governor's Conference through the weekend. Back to Columbia for Tuesday and then on Wednesday, as I think I had told you, taking the family to China, Tibet, Nepal, India, Thailand and then back through Hong Kong on world wind tour. Few days home then to Bahamas for 5 days on a friend’s boat for the last break of the summer. The following weekend have been asked to spend it out in Aspen, Colorado with McCain - which has kicked up the whole VP talk all over again in the press back home ...

Two, mutual feelings .... You have a particular grace and calm that I adore. You have a level of sophistication that so fitting with your beauty. I could digress and say that you have the ability to give magnificent gentle kisses, or that I love your tan lines or that I love the curve of your hips, the erotic beauty of you holding yourself (or two magnificent parts of yourself) in the faded glow of the night’s light - but hey, that would be going into sexual details ..."

More at: Exclusive: E-mails between Sanford, woman - Sanford - The State


New Member
The guy always gets the blame , but unless he is masturbating he isnt the only guilty party.

I do not excuse his affair, I am only saying it takes two to tango.

Too bad the guy had a political future.Gone with the Wind now. AMF Governor ,thinking with the little head has ruined more than one man.

Thought I might add , it happens to gals too LMAO

Martina Navratilova sued for millions by 'wife of seven years who was dumped without warning' | Mail Online

They both look like they were rode hard and put away wet.
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Doris Day meets Lady Gaga
Ah, well - good riddance to his presidential chances. It's better to find out about it NOW rather than during the primaries or later. :rolleyes: It's not so much that he had an affair (the details of all this are yet to be fully known, I'm sure) people in both parties are fallible - but at least the Republicans don't like to excuse all this crap - he'll be out of the governor's office in a few weeks, I'll bet.

And God bless his wife, who has the real steel ones in the family, it sounds like. She did not stand with him at the press conference - she let him hang out in the wind by himself. Bravo!! :clap:


Doris Day meets Lady Gaga
This story is still fishy. The "dear, dear friend" may turn out to be a male! :whistle:

That was mentioned as a possibility in some of the comments I read that followed the story on Yahoo. Since the emails are now being made public, that might not materialize. But who knows what other sordid details are still to come out.


New Member
Those GOPers are STUDS!


I just don't get it though.....I remember when Clinton eventually got caught with his cookies out of the proverbial jar.....Oh how worked up the GOP was about Clinton and his indiscretions....how morally wrong.....ooooh.....he just had to get impeached. And the whole time Newt Gingrich was spewing his fire and brimstone at Clinton, he was getting his balls wacked at the same time. Then it wasn't about the act itself, it was about the lies....

Funny thing though.....it never seems quite as bad when its your guy going down in flames.....

One can't help but shake their head and wonder what changed and how the hell did we come from fire and brimstone for Clinton's actions to GOP stud today. Could it possibly be that for once the indiscretion was actually with a woman instead of a man?

And where was the outrage for your Foley or Haggard...

Oh yeah....WHAT STUDS!:jerry:


Doris Day meets Lady Gaga

I just don't get it though.....I remember when Clinton eventually got caught with his cookies out of the proverbial jar.....Oh how worked up the GOP was about Clinton and his indiscretions....how morally wrong.....ooooh.....he just had to get impeached. And the whole time Newt Gingrich was spewing his fire and brimstone at Clinton, he was getting his balls wacked at the same time. Then it wasn't about the act itself, it was about the lies....

Funny thing though.....it never seems quite as bad when its your guy going down in flames.....

One can't help but shake their head and wonder what changed and how the hell did we come from fire and brimstone for Clinton's actions to GOP stud today. Could it possibly be that for once the indiscretion was actually with a woman instead of a man?

And where was the outrage for your Foley or Haggard...

Oh yeah....WHAT STUDS!:jerry:

Uh, :gossip: Pete was joking. :lol:

Not one Conservative or Republican in this thread has excused what Stupid Sanford did.

Foley was run out of town. As I recall, even Senator Larry Craig (who refused to leave) was excoriated. Haggard was not a member of Congress, who cares what he did.

Republicans take out their trash. OTOH, Bwarney Fwank (D-MA) gets re-elected every year. Dems don't seem to mind their trash.


New Member
Oh no....not you again....:cds:

Uh, :gossip: Pete was joking. :lol:
Of course I know that.....it was quite funny....but then my :killingme should have given you a clue to that.....but then.....Oh...yeah... its you....

Not one Conservative or Republican in this thread has excused what Stupid Sanford did.Never said they did....that wasn't the point...but then...oh yeah...it's you.....I'm pointing our that in comparison to the reaction they had when Clinton was caught with his pants down and lied about it, the reaction to others (and I include the indiscretions of the democratic party) has been quite mild....

Foley was run out of town. As I recall, even Senator Larry Craig (who refused to leave) was excoriated. Haggard was not a member of Congress, who cares what he did.

Republicans take out their trash. No they just slink away for awhile and then make a comeback in hopes that the new constituency is to young to remember or to senile to care.....AKA Newt Gingrich....LOL

OTOH, Bwarney Fwank (D-MA) gets re-elected every year. Dems don't seem to mind their trash.Dems aren't angels....but I will give them this much....Barney Frank had enough integrity to look his constituents in the eye and say he is gay...get over it....The others, like say...Foley and Craig.....tell their constituents what they want to hear, gay bash right along side of them all the while happily getting the shaft in the old you know what....Given those choices, I'd take Bwarney Fwank (D-MA) over the other scuz in a second.

In the meantime...you just keep drinking that Kool-Aid....ooooh Hmmm....meds....:whistle:


Methodically disorganized
the reaction they had when Clinton was caught with his pants down and lied about it
Caught with his pants down in the Oval Office and lied about it under oath. :yay: Sanford was stupid and irresponsible, but still not as bad as Clinton.

Barney Frank had enough integrity to look his constituents in the eye and say he is gay...get over it
:lmao: Fwank... integrity. :lmao: Sure, he can talk about being gay with no problem, but when it comes to the housing market failures the response is more like, "I had no idea that would happen :whistle:."

Foley and Craig.....tell their constituents what they want to hear, gay bash right along side of them
Gee, am I too tired to see straight or is that a blanket insult to every right-of-center voter?

Given those choices, I'd take Bwarney Fwank (D-MA) over the other scuz in a second.
Or you could - *gasp* - vote out ALL the hooligans and replace them with someone who might have a desire to genuinely work for the people. Bulletproof incumbency is what leads to the arrogance that enables these dolts to believe they can do whatever they want and still remain employed.


Doris Day meets Lady Gaga
Oh no....not you again....:cds:

In the meantime...you just keep drinking that Kool-Aid....ooooh Hmmm....meds....

I see you'll be about as fun to debate as Andy is! :yahoo:

Word of the day (again): Obtuse.


Well-Known Member
OTOH, Bwarney Fwank (D-MA) gets re-elected every year. Dems don't seem to mind their trash.Dems aren't angels....but I will give them this much....Barney Frank had enough integrity to look his constituents in the eye and say he is gay...get over it....The others, like say...Foley and Craig.....tell their constituents what they want to hear, gay bash right along side of them all the while happily getting the shaft in the old you know what....Given those choices, I'd take Bwarney Fwank (D-MA) over the other scuz in a second.

I'm guessing you're either not old enough to remember, or have forgotten this little tidbit.

Frank tells of his despair during ’89 sex scandal - The Boston Globe

We have gay people all over politics - but it takes real brass to have a prostitution ring run from your home and somehow have no idea it was going on.

The comparison is valid - a Republican makes lewd gestures in a bathroom, and his Democratic opponents want him run out of town, gay or not. A Democratic congressman has gay prostitutes working from his house, and of course, he's still there.


The Pirate
The Govenor messed up, no argument there. But it's worth noting that in his confession he quotes the law of God - the Bible. Having grown up in South Carolina, he was most likely raised going to church. Whether he was surrounded by hypocrites in that church or not, God's Word did get into his heart, and is now convicting him of his wrong doing. Unlike many politicians who commit grevious sin, abuse their positions, and see nothing wrong with it. Gov Sanford's political career is most likely over, but not because it has to be, and not because the voting public cares that much about morality anymore, but because he will choose to do so. I could be wrong, but based on his reaction so far, I would be surprised if he continued to pursue any more political offices. Parents, let this be an encouragement to contine to teach your children God's Word. It is not for nothing.

SC Gov. Mark Sanford will find tough trail at home - Yahoo! News


Doris Day meets Lady Gaga
Caught with his pants down in the Oval Office and lied about it under oath. :yay: Sanford was stupid and irresponsible, but still not as bad as Clinton.

:lmao: Fwank... integrity. :lmao: Sure, he can talk about being gay with no problem, but when it comes to the housing market failures the response is more like, "I had no idea that would happen :whistle:."

Gee, am I too tired to see straight or is that a blanket insult to every right-of-center voter?

Or you could - *gasp* - vote out ALL the hooligans and replace them with someone who might have a desire to genuinely work for the people. Bulletproof incumbency is what leads to the arrogance that enables these dolts to believe they can do whatever they want and still remain employed.

The amusing thing is how some people will try to find the moral equivalency in everything. There's no excusing what any of them did. But there is quite a difference in the various episodes.

Of course, the governor's story is still not totally known or written. I've said he was stupid for doing what he did. I've predicted he won't last as governorl. I'll have more comments as the details emerge.

Clinton's story played out for the rest of his term. How is that even comparable? (yet?) It's not! And is there any evidence (yet) that Sanford carried on any of his sexual peccadilloes in the Governor's mansion? (if there is one in SC) Not yet. We don't know if the emails were written through the government computers, if the trips were covered by government money, etc. YET. So many details we don't know YET. ***

I think it's hysterical that someone thinks Barney Frank has the balls to "stand up and admit he's a homosexual", but yet the criminal activity of his lover goes unmentioned. (That was the real story. NOT that Bwarney Fwank is gay.)

***I even praised Mrs. Sanford for not standing by her man like the leetle voman. Thank GOD there is a woman with balls who didn't stand herself up in front of the press and act like everything was hunky dory!! SHE kicked him out 2 weeks ago. :yay:


New Member
Oh no...he just confessed to having developed a relationship with a woman in Argentina over the past year or so. And he's resigning from the Republican Governors Association. And he said he and his wife have been dealing with this for a while. I stopped watching when he started breaking down, it's really sad and I feel uncomfortable watching politicians reveal personal things like that. =[

It's a character flaw, honey.... trust me - he is NOT suffering, nor will he... I think they should loop a tape of him crying and play it in every sports bar in America as a public service


Well-Known Member
The Govenor messed up, no argument there. But it's worth noting that in his confession he quotes the law of God - the Bible. Having grown up in South Carolina, he was most likely raised going to church.

As Monica Crowley commented this morning on Red Eye, politicians always seem to find God when they're caught with their hand in the cookie jar.

I'm kind of disappointed because he looked like a good prospect for 2012.

It seems though, if you're a Republican governor from SC and you have a girlfriend from Argentina, you're finished, but if you're a Democratic governor from Arkansas and you screw Gennifer Flowers for 12 years, you get elected President twice, and your supporters STILL think it's ok to get BJ's in the Oval Office from the help.


Well-Known Member
***I even praised Mrs. Sanford for not standing by her man like the leetle voman. Thank GOD there is a woman with balls who didn't stand herself up in front of the press and act like everything was hunky dory!! SHE kicked him out 2 weeks ago. :yay:

And good for her. I'm still recalling the adoring supporting looks from Hillary during the Flowers scandal during his candidacy. She completely knew about it, but she was gonna stand by him anyway.