Where to get a Wii?


New Member
I finally got a chance to use someone's and am absolutely in love with them. So now, where do I get one? I do not really want to pay $500 for the bundle Walmart.com has, but that seems like the only option right now, as everyone else is sold out. Any ideas?


New Member
I finally got a chance to use someone's and am absolutely in love with them. So now, where do I get one? I do not really want to pay $500 for the bundle Walmart.com has, but that seems like the only option right now, as everyone else is sold out. Any ideas?

I've seen them in Walmart, Target, and FuncoLand (by the old TJ Max in Waldorf) recently. You just have to go to the stores a lot and early. You should be able to get one reasonably soon.


BestBuy, GameStop, Electronics Boutique, Circuit City, Toys R' Us, Target, etc. Pretty much any place that sells electronics except Radio Shack.


Well-Known Member
I finally got a chance to use someone's and am absolutely in love with them. So now, where do I get one? I do not really want to pay $500 for the bundle Walmart.com has, but that seems like the only option right now, as everyone else is sold out. Any ideas?

I think either Best Buy Or Circuit City will have them Sunday...

You can show up early and try to get one.


High Octane
Wal Mart in Dunkirk had some yesterday, a friend picked one up at FunCoLand, and I have a friend that has a few for sale.


They call me ... Sarcasmo
Best Buy on 450 in Annapolis has 5 of them on the floor right now. They were this close to having only 4 left.


Football addict
Target usually gets a shipment of 50 or so every now and again. That's where I got mine about three weeks ago.

J and M

I finally got a chance to use someone's and am absolutely in love with them. So now, where do I get one? I do not really want to pay $500 for the bundle Walmart.com has, but that seems like the only option right now, as everyone else is sold out. Any ideas?

Toys R Us in Waldorf had some yesterday.


I got mine off of toyrus.com I was getting tired of looking every where for them!!

They were in Target in California, MD yesterday. I bought one in fact.

For those still looking for a Wii - get the Enterprise on Friday. If the Wii is advertised in the Target store flyer - it will be on store shelves on Sunday first thing in the morning. Target store personnel told me this was how to do it and I managed to get a Wii at Christmas the first year they came out and yesterday using their advice. Christmas I was in line early. Yesterday I got there at 8am and although there was a line and I was number 51 - they handed out 53 tickets. Best advice for a Sunday get there between 7:30
- 8:00. I almost bought one of the packages through toysrus, walmart, something $400 plus for stuff I didn't really want. Yesterday I bought the system for $250 and that's all I HAD to buy.


I heart CLeValley
I finally got a chance to use someone's and am absolutely in love with them. So now, where do I get one? I do not really want to pay $500 for the bundle Walmart.com has, but that seems like the only option right now, as everyone else is sold out. Any ideas?

At the Wii store.


I got mine in Best buy about 3 weeks ago. They had a whole pallet up front on display. Got the Wii another remote and MarioKart for like 380.

Wii is loads of fun!


New Member
I tried Best Buy, Walmart, and Gamestop this morning, and they were all out. However, on a crazy whim, I checked Target, and BAM! They had 4! So, there were three left when I left around 11. :starcat: