WHere Was God?


Well-Known Member
There is a problem with ....

Contemporary interpretation of catastrophes...

Secularists look at the cycles of history and believe the rises & falls all are random and all we can do is avoid mistakes in the past by learning about them.

Providential Believers see a beginning and an end. There have been events that have paralyzed a generation that greatly profitted the next generation. It may have sparked reform, or reawakened generosity, or restored faith.
Christ was even asked about a bunch of guys who died when a wall collapsed on them (sorry...no reference: 2nd Amend help me out here) and he did NOT blame it on some group sin they committed.

God's Providence involves recognition of His Sovereignty, and His immutable laws. We bear the consequences when facing things like lung cancer from smoking or Aids from being queer but we also bear the weight of nature "groaning" from its fallen state.
I do not need to search for the "WHY?"...only search for the "When?"


Just a forgiven sinner
PREMO Member
Couldn't find a reference regarding a wall in the gospels, but I did find this regarding some Galatians.
Luke 13:1-3
1Now on the same occasion there were some present who reported to Him about the Galileans whose blood Pilate had mixed with their sacrifices.
2And Jesus said to them, "Do you suppose that these Galileans were greater sinners than all other Galileans because they suffered this fate?
3"I tell you, no, but unless you repent, you will all likewise perish.
Hessian said:
Contemporary interpretation of catastrophes...

Secularists look at the cycles of history and believe the rises & falls all are random and all we can do is avoid mistakes in the past by learning about them.

Providential Believers see a beginning and an end. There have been events that have paralyzed a generation that greatly profitted the next generation. It may have sparked reform, or reawakened generosity, or restored faith.
Christ was even asked about a bunch of guys who died when a wall collapsed on them (sorry...no reference: 2nd Amend help me out here) and he did NOT blame it on some group sin they committed.

God's Providence involves recognition of His Sovereignty, and His immutable laws. We bear the consequences when facing things like lung cancer from smoking or Aids from being queer but we also bear the weight of nature "groaning" from its fallen state.
I do not need to search for the "WHY?"...only search for the "When?"

Which can be tough when "Only HE" knows the hour...


Just a forgiven sinner
PREMO Member
Going back over this thread I found that the original post said that Job questioned God which is true up to a point. After God asked Job, ""Where were you when I laid the earth's foundation?" (Job 38:4) and goes on from there to humble Job. Job realizes his error and repents and God restores Job's household. That is the short version.

I see lots of "I think" with no scripture. We know God only through what He reveals and He gave us the Bible to read in order to know Him and His ways. To appraise Spiritual things with the wisdom of man is foolishness for things of the Spirit can only be appraised through the Spirit. Remember the original sin was disobedience by eating the fruit from the tree of knowledge.