White Whines


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
This was a great book!

White Whine: A Study of First-World Problems: Streeter Seidell: 9781440557132: Amazon.com: Books

I don't bitch a whole lot about petty things because I'm afraid the Gods will go, "Oh yeah? Want something real to cry about?" and smite me. But here's our chance! Post your best White Whine - petty silly annoyances that people in third world countries, or even lesser income American homes - would want to blowtorch you for complaining about.

Here's mine:

OMG my ice maker makes so much noise when dropping fresh ice! FML!!


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
"Crap we made too much food to fit in the fridge. Start pitching stuff."

One of the ones in the book was some woman who posted on her Tumblr: "Damn it! My whole Maine lobster dinner ruined my manicure. Then I got a spot of drawn butter on my new blouse. FML!"



Board Mommy
PREMO Member
My cousin in SoCal just posted this on her FB:

After 5 1/2 hrs shooting my new ad campaign outside today in the cold (it was 58*) all I have is sloppy joes and chips for dinner. :(

I replied:

"God, how it sucks to be you!"



New Member
Oh and I got hit with this one this morning from my son.

"But dad, what good is a computer without a cam on it?"


PREMO Member


Today, my wife made me a Sex Rewards Chart, where I get points by doing chores and such, and 50 points gets me some action. She refuses to even look at me if I haven't earned the points, and is contemplating sleeping alone in the guest room until I earn more points. FML
On 12/07/2013 at 9:55am - intimacy - by feiedbutter - Canada (Ontario)

Today, while having sex with my husband, we had to move around our cat during position changes. Our cat controls our sex life. FML
I agree, your life sucks (31967) - you deserved it (11691)
On 12/02/2013 at 11:26pm - intimacy - by anon (woman) - United States (Indiana)

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New Member
a safe one ..
... you will not be streaming selfies

Of course this is the same computer I spent all day Saturday working on getting a virus off for the ex wife that I know good and well he let get on there by looking at porn. LOL


PREMO Member
Of course this is the same computer I spent all day Saturday working on getting a virus off for the ex wife that I know good and well he let get on there by looking at porn. LOL


you have not taught your son, safe porn surfing .... :smack:
wait how old is he ?
meh ... let him bork the ex's laptop again ... maybe you can get a thank you next time :killingme



Registered User
I don't bitch a whole lot about petty things because I'm afraid the Gods will go, "Oh yeah? Want something real to cry about?" and smite me.

This is me 100%. Followed by I don't do anything to mess up my Karma. I'm a Bitch but Karma is a MFer.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
"Suffering and miseries are relative."

Joan of Ark

"Damn, the corncobs were COLD this morning!!"

"You got corn cobs?????"


happy to be living
One year before Thanksgiving, we had to go buy a larger fridge/freezer because we knew the one that came with the house was too small for all the food we planned to have.