Who is paying for all of this?


#*! boat!
PREMO Member
They have reporter embedded in the march,

LOTS of them from some of the video and still pics I'v seen. And there are people issuing instructions...people showing up with loaded trucks handing out food and water... It's a well-organized and well-funded invasion force.


PREMO Member
See, when it comes to "Did some gang members really tape a crying baby to a windshield to lure unsuspecting women for the raping", I'll go with Snopes. But for anything political, I tend to not trust them.

Kinda like having the Washington Post vouch for Bezos being such a swell guy!


Well-Known Member
It seems to be organized by a group called People Without Frontiers. Headed by a Mexican/Honduran attorney David Lopez

Once the mi#grants were in Tecun Uman, Mr. López be#came one of the key lead#ers, or#ga#niz#ing lo#gis#tics. He is an anti#estab#lish-ment so#cial ac#tivist who be#longs to U.S.-Mex#ico non#profit Peo#ple With#out Fron#tiers, whose goal “is to build sol#i#dar#ity bridges among peo#ples and turn#down bor#der walls im#posed by greed,” ac#cord#ing to its web#site.

The non#profit has been or#ga#niz-ing mi#grant car#a#vans each year since at least 2008. The last one ear#lier this year, which was much larger than the pre#vi#ous ones, caused a po#lit#i#cal cri#sis be#tween the U.S. and Mex#ico. Af#ter Mr. Trump pub#licly crit#i#cized the car#a#van, it was dis#banded in the south#ern state of Oax#aca as it headed north#ward.
Mr. López, the leader of the Hon#duran car#a#van, said he was born in Aguas#calientes, Mex#ico, the son of a Mex#i#can and a Hon#duran. He said he joined Peo#ple With#out Fron#tiers five years ago and com#bines his law stud#ies with so#cial ac#tivism.

Sorry about the hashtags, but that’s what the WSJ does when you cut and paste...

Copy it into a Word document. Hit control-F and tell it to find #, and in the replace with box, leave it blank. Works good, lasts a long time. You can then copy the hashtag free text into your SOMD text box.

black dog

Free America
I just read the,
A Second Caravan is leaving Honduras, The open border crowd better put some more water in the soup pot for dinner at their house.
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PREMO Member
That strongly suggests to me that I am being manipulated by images of throngs of people walking, because that throng is walking way too fast.

Hamas and Hezbollah are experts at Camera angles and fake dead children